Enhancing the energy of ‘Quantum K’

I suspect that any therapist looking through the technical data in the manual or the screen-flow could find many gaps. We all have our own specialist areas or beliefs that could be added to the system. Personally, I could add several new items every week. Does this mean that the system has fundamental shortfalls or gaps? – I don’t think so and I’ll tell you why.

First of all, I believe there is enough intent captured by the system to clear most of the blockages held in our mind, body and soul. Our natural healing powers can then focus on whatever remains. Incidentally, this is why the screen-flow slides are more than just a list of positive affirmations. They aim to remove obstructions to our balance, allowing the user to reconnect automatically with the natural order of connection, oneness and universal love. Once the obstructions are gone, this is all that is left.

Also, the healing power of the harmonics, fractal equations and sacred geometry is unlimited and free of the confines of our specific intent. They represent pure healing and can expand to encompass whatever we wish to attribute to them, and more besides.

Finally, the ‘Quantum K’ system has created a network of linked energy through the quantum energy field. I strongly believe that we are all connected through it, so every soul that engages with the system enhances it with their own potential and healing intent. I make a particular point of updating the master manual at my clinic with all the changes I wish to add to its resonance, but I am sure that everyone else who uses it also adds their own unique essence where it will help.

So, when you use the system, you should feel part of a growing team that is fine-tuning its healing resonance. As you are helped, so may you in turn help others. This is the exciting potential of the new world; power resides not with Banks and Governments but with the solidarity of all us individuals who want to leave our world a better place than we found it.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Critical mass

Thanks to all your support, I believe the energy of Quantum K has passed its first ‘critical mass’. Its expanding use worldwide has linked up across the quantum energy field so that it is now, in some small way, constantly available to us all. I think it is still a quiet whisper at this stage, but every time the growing number of users around the world tune in, the resonance gets stronger and stronger.

I have been told many times that the interest in Earth’s evolution is beyond our wildest imagination and that every stumbling step we take to lift ourselves out of the darkness and our illusion of separation is celebrated beyond measure in the Heavens. Any broadcast of light, love and healing is therefore particularly relished bearing in mind the dark shadow overlaying the surroundings from whence it comes. Every time we use the system, our desire to heal and find the highest expression of who we are shines like a beacon out of a world still filled with fear.

If I dowse, I find that the next critical mass point in terms of users accessing the website is 97,247. Some way to go there, but if every user e-mailed 10 friends and they in turn each e-mailed 10 more, we would be there in weeks. I’m not sure exactly what this next number represents, but just as the recent numbers cemented the energy for this planet, I believe the next landmark will start broadcasting it outwards in some way.

So, if you do monitor the number counter at the bottom of the website, please do bear this in mind. When it passes this next landmark, the healing energy of the system will be going outwards. Have a toast to the heavens, because you can be sure they will be toasting us…..

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

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