‘A blank page’

I don’t want this blog to become a reference point for other work, but I have come across a website that is so aligned with Quantum K that I feel duty bound to mention it.

It can be found on this link: http://www.ablankpage.net

Their goal is to offer free daily remote healing through a bio-resonance machine to help reduce the combined stress of all participants. Their belief is that 8000 users would generate critical mass and help all the population of the planet. In their own words:

“Ablankpage uses a bioresonance computer programme to identify and clear stress. We run the programme once every day for 45 minutes and in the case of ablankpage it will clear the stress that is most relevant to the collective state of all the participants.

This will appear strange, if not impossible, to those of you unfamiliar with the world of bioresonance. Perhaps the easiest way to understand what is actually happening is to demonstrate how we as human beings are in effect very sophisticated bioresonance machines.

If we take a conversation between two people, as one person speaks they produce a frequency pattern or sound called speech. The other person receives that frequency pattern and translates it into a thought. That thought is then processed and generates an answering thought. This is in turn translated into the frequency pattern of speech, which is received and translated by the other person. We are receivers, transducers and transmitters of frequency. The truth is that all of our senses are simply different frequency receivers. All of our experiences are based on how we receive and translate frequency patterns.

A bioresonance computer is essentially a transmitter and receiver of frequency. The difference is that its dialogue with our body is in a frequency range which is beyond our five senses. The body recognises and resonates with a relevant frequency pattern produce by the computers which in turn amplifies that frequency. That amplification is recognised by the computer and generates a response. This is the process of resonance.”

AT the moment, there are about 1500 registered users, with a noticeable shortage of support in the US to date. It would be great to help them reach their 8000 goal, so please do check out the website and see if you feel drawn to becoming involved. It is entirely free to use and seems to be driven by integrity, but you decide.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp


I have been working with the concept of cellular aging over the last few weeks in clinic. I thought it would be quite interesting to use kinesiology muscle testing to establish the biological age of the client’s body and compare this to their actual age.

Not surprisingly, those who need to see me normally have enough emotional or physical trauma in their lives to have aged a little beyond their years. What did surprise me was that the higher self that controls the muscle response wanted to take the concept further and actually generate healing through this concept.

I think it works like this. Our cellular blueprints have a death program built into them, a ticking time bomb that ensures we age appropriately. Good or bad health may alter the timing of this degeneration, but the clock is always ticking. That said; it seems possible to use focused intent to refer our cells back to an earlier time. Just as we turn our clocks back in the autumn, so can we ask our cells to follow the blueprint from when we were younger.

Healing at this level means we actually travel backwards against the natural flow of the conveyor belt of time. It is commonly called ‘youthing’ and is perhaps the Holy Grail of healthcare.

So, my challenge to you is to decide on a realistic age you would like your cells to be, and then look briefly at the following harmonic sequence with this age in mind. Your new cells will then try to replicate against this earlier blueprint.

Number 2 1 7 6 4 8 3 2 3 5 4 7
Gateway 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Of course, I can’t make any guarantees here and this may all seem very fanciful to you. But, I believe wholeheartedly in the validity of the muscle test as a way of accessing higher intelligence, so if the muscle test says it’s a beneficial intent to apply, then let’s go for it. The worst that could happen is nothing, but if it does work, even just a little, that has to be worth a go……..

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Affirm the positive or heal the negative?

A few Quantum K users have asked me why the slide-show focuses more on the release of negative problems than the amplification of positive states.

I believe there is a need for both approaches. My concern with positive affirmations alone is that if the body intelligence or unconscious mind has reason to disagree, the affirmation will be ignored. This is often demonstrated using kinesiology testing; if the client makes a positive statement like ‘ I love myself just the way I am’ the arm muscle will invariable unlock as a register of the discordancy of the statement. It would need constant repetition or the release of the underlying traumas before it is accepted as a truth.

Quantum K attempts to release the negative while reinforcing the positive. The slide wordings release the blocks that hinder our balance and good health, but they are not the main healing mechanism. The primary healing comes from the harmonics and fractal equations. They reinforce the perfection and symmetry of the quantum energy field and the Universe as a whole, establishing a blueprint for us to target. We can only be in perfect health if we resonate in full harmony with these wider influences.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

The Green wave

In my once a week foray into the daily newspapers, I read an extraordinary little article about traffic lights. Apparently, our government in the UK has sanctioned ‘green wave’ areas where vehicles will have a faster journey along main roads, with fewer red lights. Up to now, slowing our progress along main roads has been an intentional strategy and any change resisted by the Department of Transport because they “feared motorists travelling smoothly use less fuel and pay less to the Treasury in duty”.

At face value, this seems like a small news item, but at the wider level, how outrageous is it that we have all spent maybe an extra 10 minutes each week, equivalent to a full working day each year, unnecessarily sat at traffic lights. Notwithstanding the noise nuisance, the waste of fossil fuel, loss of productivity and carbon monoxide pollution, it just defies basic common sense.

The scary bit is that if the Laws of Attraction are absolutely precise, this means that we, as a populace, have attracted this kind of nonsense into our lives, along with no doubt a myriad of other nonsenses that we are not even aware of yet. So, hands up now, who doesn’t want to get to work early?

…Or perhaps our collective intent is more metaphorical. Did the old stance represent our combined fears about ‘moving forward’, showing us that we have been happy to rest in our current position, shielded from the pollution we create within our climate-controlled vehicles.

If so, perhaps this is good news at a wider level, reflecting the growing environmental awareness in our collective consciousness. As we raise our intent to look after the world, the world reflects this back to us in the little details. We simply need to keep our intent pure and the ‘small stuff’ will take care of itself. As the saying goes, there really is no need to sweat it…

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Living with soul

From the very beginning of 2009, it was clear that the months ahead would be very special. Those of us interested in personal development have spent many years preparing for the time when the external world would start reflecting the changes we have made within us.

This is certainly happening now. The financial world is feeling the strain and there are signs of a new way of living emerging from the ashes of the old. In the United Kingdom, we had comfortably the highest ever sum donated in a national charity day, car usage is down and vegetable gardens are back in fashion.

At the personal level, I have seen a change of emphasis in my therapy practice. 2008 was about core belief management and emotional healing, 2009 is about soul retrieval. It is almost as though we have done the hard work and must now ensure that the furnace inside us burns as bright as it can. We must clear out interfering energies and bring back any parts of our essence that have moved out of alignment over the years. This maximises our powers of manifestation as we project our new values with the voltage that comes from being fully engaged at the soul level.

I believe ‘Quantum K’ has a role to play here. We can use it to clear our soul record just as we would clear a computer of unwelcome viruses and debris. We can then invite back any part of our essence that has moved away. This is a sacred process that follows a pace befitting our own personal healing journey. If big changes lie ahead, we owe it to ourselves to be fully engaged with life as we approach them.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Enhancing the energy of ‘Quantum K’

I suspect that any therapist looking through the technical data in the manual or the screen-flow could find many gaps. We all have our own specialist areas or beliefs that could be added to the system. Personally, I could add several new items every week. Does this mean that the system has fundamental shortfalls or gaps? – I don’t think so and I’ll tell you why.

First of all, I believe there is enough intent captured by the system to clear most of the blockages held in our mind, body and soul. Our natural healing powers can then focus on whatever remains. Incidentally, this is why the screen-flow slides are more than just a list of positive affirmations. They aim to remove obstructions to our balance, allowing the user to reconnect automatically with the natural order of connection, oneness and universal love. Once the obstructions are gone, this is all that is left.

Also, the healing power of the harmonics, fractal equations and sacred geometry is unlimited and free of the confines of our specific intent. They represent pure healing and can expand to encompass whatever we wish to attribute to them, and more besides.

Finally, the ‘Quantum K’ system has created a network of linked energy through the quantum energy field. I strongly believe that we are all connected through it, so every soul that engages with the system enhances it with their own potential and healing intent. I make a particular point of updating the master manual at my clinic with all the changes I wish to add to its resonance, but I am sure that everyone else who uses it also adds their own unique essence where it will help.

So, when you use the system, you should feel part of a growing team that is fine-tuning its healing resonance. As you are helped, so may you in turn help others. This is the exciting potential of the new world; power resides not with Banks and Governments but with the solidarity of all us individuals who want to leave our world a better place than we found it.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Critical mass

Thanks to all your support, I believe the energy of Quantum K has passed its first ‘critical mass’. Its expanding use worldwide has linked up across the quantum energy field so that it is now, in some small way, constantly available to us all. I think it is still a quiet whisper at this stage, but every time the growing number of users around the world tune in, the resonance gets stronger and stronger.

I have been told many times that the interest in Earth’s evolution is beyond our wildest imagination and that every stumbling step we take to lift ourselves out of the darkness and our illusion of separation is celebrated beyond measure in the Heavens. Any broadcast of light, love and healing is therefore particularly relished bearing in mind the dark shadow overlaying the surroundings from whence it comes. Every time we use the system, our desire to heal and find the highest expression of who we are shines like a beacon out of a world still filled with fear.

If I dowse, I find that the next critical mass point in terms of users accessing the website is 97,247. Some way to go there, but if every user e-mailed 10 friends and they in turn each e-mailed 10 more, we would be there in weeks. I’m not sure exactly what this next number represents, but just as the recent numbers cemented the energy for this planet, I believe the next landmark will start broadcasting it outwards in some way.

So, if you do monitor the number counter at the bottom of the website, please do bear this in mind. When it passes this next landmark, the healing energy of the system will be going outwards. Have a toast to the heavens, because you can be sure they will be toasting us…..

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

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