Embracing the ‘once’

In a previous newsletter I explored some ideas around the illusory nature of linear time and how past and future lives are actually happening at the same time. Following on from that is a question – how might we use this to help us live in better balance?

One area around this I want to focus on is ‘repetition’. I feel it’s true to say that the second time we experience something is rarely as exciting as the first. However hard we chase, it just doesn’t give the same buzz. We can try a more expensive version, or a more exciting one, but the magic of the first time has gone. It’s so hard to replicate that initial feeling of joy, of newness, however hard we try.

I believe there is a reason for this. Our souls are here for the experience, but they live in eternal time, so once something has happened it stays with us. Our souls just aren’t interested in repeating the same feeling because they are already living in it, able to access it in any moment. That first kiss…. that amazing holiday…. that first bicycle ride….they are happening all the time in Spirit.

The only part of us that seeks to re-experience a pleasure is the human part of us that lives in linear time. That part of us feels that, once something has happened, it is over and therefore lost. If it was good, then we should try to find it again.

This means that, in chasing the memory, we are doing so without full investment or support from our soul. Our soul wants something new.

I believe there are gifts held within the process of linear time if we allow it to flow with grace. It allows us to be constantly in motion, moving through the various seasons and cycles of life with all their new opportunities.

This still allows for structures and some pillars of stability, but these should hold us, like a loving guardian, and not constrict us into rigidity or repetition.

Our bodies also help us through the way cells replicate. If we like adrenaline charged experiences, our cells regenerate with more receptor sites for adrenaline, meaning that more and more excitement is needed to generate the same feeling. The same applies to sugar, spicy foods, drugs – pretty much any experience – so we are being shown the ever increasing cost of trying to find happiness through repetition.

Too much of the same, whether foods or experiences,  can make us unwell or unfulfilled. Science is now recognising this with our microbiome, that diversity of good bacteria through a healthy and varied diet is key to our mental as well as physical health. There is a message in that.

This should encourage us to look for new expressions of love, fresh nuances, rather than attempting to recreate what has already ‘passed’. If we can master this, knowing that all our experiences can be accessed forever anyway, if we want to, then we no longer need to chase life. We don’t need to be caught in greed, adrenaline, addiction or repetition. We can embrace each new moment knowing that nothing previous is ever lost to us.

I want to finish by coming back to where the inspiration for this newsletter actually started, the words of my favourite song lyrics, written for Whitney Houston by Albert Hammond and John Bettis. Perhaps you can read this short extract with a fresh perspective…

“I want one moment in time
When I’m more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time
When I’m racing with destiny

And in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity”

With love


The human animal


Thank you to everyone who invested in the new resonators. If you missed last month’s newsletter, it is still on the website there to read, but the brief summary is that they now hold a higher intention in their programming:

1. EMF protection as usual

2. Grounding support, as before

3. Support for our microbiome through the enhanced connection to the microbiome of Gaia herself (new).

4. A deeper connection with Gaia herself and the Goddess energy, the divine feminine (new).

If any of this appeals, please do follow the link below. The price remains the same as before.

Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

“Energy just started flowing as soon as I started reading the first section and continued till I stopped, as if the simple act of reading was a healing process. It was amazing!” Fiona F, England

If you want to step into 2025 with a structured route to self-development, look no further. This book could be for you and is available as a hardcopy or a download.

This month’s theme – The human animal

I learn so much from the animals we keep in our little informal sanctuary. We help them live and die as naturally as possible.

One of our goats was near this point of transition last year and we asked an animal communicator to double check our own sensing around how she was feeling and what she needed.

The suggestion was that the goat was alternating between two perspectives. Her higher goat self was looking forward to the time when her essence could merge again with its wider consciousness, while her animal instinct carried some fear about the weakening of her physical body.

The goat passed peacefully within the protection of her herd, but the question remaining with me was around the interaction between these two parts – the animal self and the higher consciousness. How does this apply to us humans?

In ancient mythology, the idea of humans having an animal self was given a physical presence through the harpy, mermaid, centaur, minotaur, gorgon, siren and sphinx. These myths speak to the gifts and the challenges of holding different aspects of self. Just as a goat might struggle to fully surrender to their inner knowing of life after death, so we too must face the challenge of our duality.

On one hand, we are animals living in survival mode, in fear and scarcity, looking for dangers in our environment and the best way to handle them. At the same time, the higher consciousness of our soul energy working through our higher human brain offers another perspective, suggesting that ultimately we cannot come to harm, that we are eternal souls here for a contextual experience.

I find this helpful when I am presented with a challenge. Rather than having to come to a singular sense about a situation, I allow myself to recognise that I am driven by two instincts. My animal self might feel some anxiety, scarcity consciousness, or a fear of loss, while my higher self might be sitting with a more gentle perspective, a reassuring sense that everything is OK and always will be.

Both are OK. When we try to ignore or suppress our animal self in the drive to be ‘spiritual’ we deny one of our most powerful forces, and one of our greatest gifts. We push that fear into the shadows where it can grow and become an irresistible force of negativity from the shadows. We can bypass some of our deepest feelings in the attempt to give a calm air of authority, a guru like grace in the face of all circumstances.

As amazing as we all are, its OK to carry some fear, to worry from time to time. We need to accept the animal within us and feel what we feel. At the same time, we can also know that everything is going to be OK, that we are eternal souls.

This is a path to true peace, an acceptance of our vulnerabilities and our frailties while holding them alongside the part of us that lives beyond our basic survival instincts. Sitting comfortably with both frees us to make the most of our short physical lives, to take risks but within sensible boundaries, to love deeply knowing the pain that might follow loss, to live fully each day knowing that every breath is one step closer to our last.

With Love


Time for an upgrade


With the season of giving approaching, please do consider gifting a copy of my book to your loved one. I can sign it to them if you wish. It is a gift of value and hope, in keeping with the spirit of this time of year. It can also be a wonderful mechanism for any new year resolution of personal development. Why not start the 12 healing steps on January 1st and begin the new year within this process of personal transformation?


This month’s theme – time for an upgrade.

The design behind the resonators I make was shared with me in 2005 and they have been a part of my life ever since. They were initially described as protectors against dangerous electromagnetic fields (EMF), delivered through their natural affinity and shared resonance with the earth beneath us.

I have made and programmed them with this simple intention since that time, nearly 20 years. I was therefore surprised to have a clear wake up call in my dream state from the consciousness of mother earth. Let’s run through this meditation as a conversation:

Gaia: ‘Are you ready to go further with your resonators?”

Me: ‘Absolutely, are you suggesting I am missing some potential here?’

Gaia: ‘The programmed electromagnetic tape is like my personal telephone number, but when you call you only ask for basic protection. Is that all you see me as, grounding and protection?’

Me: ‘Please tell me more’

Gaia: ‘The initial thinking behind the resonators came from fear, from the desire to avoid harm. When you pray to God, do you simply ask to be kept safe?

Me: ‘No, I pray every day for love, wisdom, guidance and support’.

Gaia: ‘So when you make your resonators and connect to me, why do you just ask for protection?’

Me: ‘I guess I felt that the chips were only capable of so much, they are just basic materials after all’

Gaia: ‘Basic materials, yes, but they are just as much my flesh and blood as you are’.

Me: ‘Point taken, what can I ask for then?’

Gaia: ‘Well, certainly continue to ask for protection from human made EMF. It is very damaging to your energy fields and general wellbeing; it also keeps you in survival responses as EMF represents a threat that you meet from your reptilian brain, so it blocks your spiritual focus and connection’.

Me: ‘and grounding…?’

Gaia: ‘Yes, grounding too as this keeps you strong in your body and blocks some of the destabilising effects of fear and that pervasive sense of threat you all live within’.

Me: ‘That seems to summarise my current intention, what is new?’

Gaia: ‘Your scientists are starting to discover that gut microbiome is key to mental health, instinct and immune function as well as basic digestion. Your gut is even talked of as being your ‘second brain’. To function well, it must have a healthy balance of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbes – guess who holds the blueprint for that innate sense of balance?’

Me: ‘You do!’

Gaia: ‘Of course, and what have you noticed about the last hundred years in this connection?’

Me: ‘Human beings have damaged the balance within your surface layers through deforestation, climate change and commercial farming techniques – we have effectively damaged your own microbiome.’

Gaia: ‘Yes, but my blueprint remains intact. While you have been doing this, what has happened to human gut health in general?’

Me: ‘It has got significantly worse, developed countries are seeing huge increases in chronic disease and autoimmunity, all areas that a strong microbiome could support’.

Gaia: ‘…and do you think this is a co-incidence?’

Me: ‘Probably not, I often use the phrase ‘as above, so below’, so it makes sense that the way we mistreat you reflects how we mistreat ourselves. There will also be a quite literal reflection of the poor quality of the farmed produce within the digestive systems that receive it.’

Gaia: ‘Absolutely. You operate monocultural farming practices so develop monocultural gut microbiomes. The resonators can connect to my healed resonance, so please let me support the key resource that is your gut, this will help me as well as you.’

Me: ‘Thank you – is that your key message?’

Gaia: ‘One of them. I also want to invite you to receive further connections through the resonators. The world is transitioning away from the shadow power of the patriarchy. These are painful times for humanity, and the strength, compassion and wisdom of the divine feminine is essential to help hold this space of change. When men and women connect to me through the resonators, I can hold you in my nurturing essence as well as protect you’.

Me: ‘So if I can summarise, you are offering to continue to rebalance us in the face of EMF stresses and also help us with our grounding. In addition, you can also now nurture our internal microbiome and our connection to the divine feminine’.

Gaia: ‘Correct. You need only set that intention and it will be done. All future resonators will be made with that wider support imbued within’.

Me: ‘Thank you, I accept your kind offer’.

When I gave permission for this upgrade, I felt a significant download and the next 48 hours were intense and quite exhausting. I do believe my own journey to veganism and vegetable self-sufficiency was partly in preparation for this moment, so that my microbiome could be wide and deep and ready to hold this new space.

I did also tune into all the thousands of existing resonators out there. I believe they continue to be effective within the intention that held them when they were created, but to be upgraded the new vibration would have to flow through the host, and I cannot say how intense that might be. If you have one, it is up to you whether you set that intention.

As always, please do feel into this and look deep within to your own gut instinct. I have a financial interest in the product this article recommends to you. My articles normally carry no benefit to myself, so I declare that interest now and ask you to make your own decision.

If you are interested, they remain at £10 for a pack of 3 with multibuy discounts.


With love


The illusion of time

Online shop

As usual, I like to recognise you loyal readers by offering a discount to items in my online shop – resonators, downloads, my book etc. This month, I am offering 15% discount on any and all products until the 5th November. Simply use code OCT15.

online shop

This months theme – the illusion of time

I often wonder what happens to our limiting beliefs and imbalanced energies when we die. Traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism talk of karma, the idea that unresolved wounds and unloving actions need to be made right in a future life. My shamanic tradition talks of houcha – heavy energy that stays with the light body after death and unfurls onto a new physical body in a future life.

This makes sense to me, to a point, but I do believe that these descriptions are designed to work within our core human belief of time being linear – Tuesday follows Monday, one lifetime follows another. The problem is I don’t believe it actually works that way.

My understanding is that time only exists on the earth plane to give us parameters to live within. In spirit, time does not exist, there is only the eternal moment of now. So, how does the idea of karma work from a spiritual viewpoint if time itself is an illusion? How can unresolved energies pass on to our ‘next life’ if our ‘next life’ is happening at the same time as this one?

I journeyed to the mythic for a perspective on this and was shown a series of dominoes lined up in a row, with the first one toppling into the next and so on. I was told that this was the illusion of linear time from our human perspective. Each domino represented an incarnation of that soul.

I was then shown a circle of dominoes each attached loosely to each other through threads of energy. When one domino wobbled, the others all took the strain, shifting positions to allow the circle as a whole to absorb the energy and remain upright.

The process continued for as long as the wound remained. When the issue cleared, that wider support was no longer needed and the entire soul rose in vibration.

This feels like a closer representation of true reality. A ripple in the field, perhaps a trauma or a fear, affects that soul’s physical and light body, but also every other aspect of that soul, across all incarnations. This happens immediately, in that single moment, the only moment we have.

This is not just about managing challenges. It works the other way too. Every thread of love, gratitude, compassion, joy, wisdom, service, truth etc ripples through the field too, so every positive experience helps hold the space for other incarnated parts of the soul.

Can you see the beauty in this? Can you also see how it gives us permission not to have to make sense of every thing that happens to us, every little struggle? Yes, we may feel heavy emotions, and there may be known reasons for that, but they may also simply be the ripples we feel from the struggles of another part of our soul needing our love in that moment.

This is not an invitation to martyr ourselves or sacrifice what we have when we are doing well – if we truly are connected to love then there is no cost in sharing it. It is, after all, a state of being not an action.

In the bigger picture, beyond our individual soul journey, we belong to a fractal Universe, which we could interpret as meaning that the same laws and structures apply to the whole as to the individual parts. Alongside the journey of the individual soul is the journey of the soul group, set in the same circular format, where perhaps a group of 12 souls nurture each other with whatever love they can access in that moment.

As we widen our perspective, connections expand until, finally, we meet the framework of life itself, within which all creation sits. We then know Source – Goddess / God.

How does that feel to look at life in those terms? Does it feel comforting to feel that the wider family of your soul and other souls is always there, helping and being helped?

I like the model because it allows me to surrender more, to accept that some of my current challenges may have originated from my ‘past’ or ‘future’ self, but equally that some of the support I feel may be from other aspects of me stepping up when I need them the most, or even other aspects of my soul group. A true family, a true community of souls.

With love


Are you relating or co-habiting?

In my work as a therapist, I see many clients who are disconnected in their relationship, seeing it more as an arrangement of convenience, a house sharing, than a meeting of souls.

I have written down what I believe are 5 cornerstones of a good relationship; feel free to measure your own against them:

1. Physical connection. This can be represented by a really good sex life, but can also be met through a base of more subtle sensuality. This might involve holding hands, the love of the smell of their hair after a rain shower, the subtle sounds they make while sleeping, or the gentle movement of their chest as they breath.

2. Admiration – do you respect and admire your partner and visa versa? Where do you each have gifts and skills that nurture the other, drawing them to a higher expression of their own capabilities and desires?

3. Kindness and empathy – Are you equally available to each other, able to offer support when it is needed while still able to receive it when the roles are reversed? Do you have the openness, trust and vulnerability to do this?

4. Evolution – A relationship needs to evolve to thrive, stability and repetition are doorways to stagnancy. This growth needs to be more than simply acquiring practical skills or knowledge, it needs to be a growth of the soul and a shared willingness to be heroic in taking on and transcending challenges as a couple.

5. Freedom from judgement – To be allowed to make mistakes, to be loved without conditions, held by the basic assumption that you are both always doing the best you can.

If there are gaps in any of these areas there is a risk of neediness, entanglement, blame, co-dependency, cords and soul loss creeping into the relationship.

When I journeyed into the mythic to explore the essence of relationships I was shown two people facing each other with energies from each chakra meeting the corresponding chakra of the other.

When I asked Huasca, the guardian of the underworld, how to enhance our relationships, I was shown a series of gifts that can be invited into each chakra. This process is a powerful shamanic protocol, often used in soul retrievals and other ceremonial rites.

Please feel into these gifts and, if they feel helpful to you and / or your partner then please do invite them in using the affirmation that follows. Here are the gifts I was shown for each chakra:

Root: kitten

Sacral: honey bee

Solar plexus: mushroom

Heart: stony bridge over a stream

Throat: call of the tawny owl

Brow: lake

Crown: caterpillar

If you read the following affirmation you can feel into my understanding of the nature of these gifts, what they each offer, but please do let your own imagination and senses add or alter what I have written. If they do feel right to you, then by all means invite them in reading out the following, or your own words if you prefer, with a hand on the relevant chakra as you do so:

For the highest good of myself and all beings, I call upon the following gifts to enhance my ability to be and thrive in relationships.

In my root chakra, I welcome the playfulness and explorative energy of the kitten.

In my sacral chakra, I call upon the honey bee to help me find my drive for sweetness and my sense of community and place.

In my solar plexus I welcome the essence of mushroom, with its capacity to stand strong and independent while nurtured by the mycelial network beneath.

In my heart, I call in the essence of a bridge over a stream – the solidity and consistency of the connection from one side to the other, with the capacity for the fluidity of life and all its emotions to flow sweetly underneath.

In my throat, I invite in the clarity and respect of the tawny owl mating call, with the beautiful ke-wick’, and ‘hoo-hoo’ response, complete only with two committed participants.

In my brow I welcome the essence of a deep, still lake – the calmness, and presentness it represents but also its depth and wisdom.

Finally, in my crown I welcome the energy of caterpillar, that sense of potential, of transformation and making the impossible possible.”

If you choose to do this, I hope it helps you find the best version of your relating self.

With blessings



Are you marginalised?

Welcome to my latest newsletter. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.


aura baselineaura with mobile phone aura healed

Baseline      +mobile      +resonator

I have used your resonators and recommended them to others. They are wonderful!” Deborah

I like to offer special offers in these newsletters and all this month it is 15% off resonator orders – in addition to existing bulk discounts. Just use the code August15 when you checkout and the discount will be deducted automatically.

Buy resonators


Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

I have read your book and over a 2 week period while on holiday worked thru all the healing keys . Powerful shifts and was surprised how the assemblage point key worked !!!” Linda

Buy book


This month’s theme – are you marginalised?

The themes for these newsletters often show up in unusual ways. For instance, this month, it arose on the way back from a family camping holiday. We found ourselves driving past a wildlife rescue centre where our daughter had won a giant teddy bear (oh joy!), so popped in to pick it up. I expected to find the place empty but arrived in the midst of a huge 3 day healing festival, where thousands of people had come to experience clairvoyancy, mediumship, crystal bowls, reiki, massage, shiatsu, gong baths, reflexology etc.

My life flashed before me…. I realised that at the turn of this century these therapies were all available on the high street, a small but fundamental part of the health clinics I worked within and ran for many years. We supported spiritual and energetic healing practices and found ourselves attracting many therapists of this type but in doing so alienated ourselves from the ‘bread and butter’ practices like counselling and osteopathy. We saw that the tide was not with us so closed in March 2020, just a few weeks before the first pandemic lockdown.

Although the global wellbeing market has expanded significantly since 2001 when I started as a therapist, the expansion has been focused on more mainstream professions. In my current practice, I would guess that about 90% of the practitioners are counsellors of some sort, with a sprinkling of body workers and specialists like myself. In the streets around us there are osteopathic and chiropractic centres, beauticians, cosmetic surgeries etc. but nothing remotely spiritual.

Is this true in your part of the world too? If so, what is it all about? Why has wellbeing and healthcare now polarised so much that the conventional therapies occupy the high street while the more spiritual and esoteric practices now rely on healing festivals and local events?

I am sure there are many practical reasons why this has happened here in the UK, perhaps wider. For example, within complementary healthcare, our training requirements can be quite light, and regulation a bit disjointed when compared to, say, chiropractic or counselling. This impedes public confidence and the media are quick to jump on any evidence of a therapist exceeding their authority or acting inappropriately.

Also, austerity has pushed people to focus on the essentials, so it is easier to justify spending money on chronic pain or trauma resolution, but spiritual growth can wait…

At a practical level, emerging technology has encouraged many therapists to go online for remote sessions and courses.

But what is the spiritual picture? I journeyed shamanically and was shown a scene befitting the Robin Hood myth. In the central town there were the usual assortment of bakers and blacksmiths and a very structured, mainstream, way of life, while in the surrounding woods people gathered in little groups around community fires. These were the outlaws, living furtively in the shadows.

There is no judgement here in any way, no good and bad, but the suggestion was that the spiritual practices have had to slip away from the mainstream, to hold a resonance of their own in quieter spaces – festivals in farmers fields rather than open doors in high street shops.

This has been central to many spiritual traditions, whether the shaman, hedgerow witch or monk. It is hard to focus on the world of Spirit when enmeshed within the rigours of day to day business, so to hold the resonance necessary to connect with Spirit one has to live quietly, separately, and deeply held by nature.

My journey also showed me that spiritual practices are as important than ever, with all the ceremonies and therapy sessions holding a space that is necessary for the evolution of our species, just as they always have done.

There were threads of light running between all those involved in practice or ceremony, joining them together through the land. I have been writing about a new energetic earth grid recently, this may be referring to something similar that runs under our feet, perhaps even along existing ley lines and earth meridians.

I used to promote a future where healing and spiritual practices were endemic within our families and communities, but maybe I was looking too far ahead. Perhaps, in our immediate future, we have to step back quietly into the shadows to hold a more silent space until we are called forward again into a new world, a new consciousness…

With love


It has begun!

Welcome to my latest newsletter. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.


aura baselineaura with mobile phone aura healed

Baseline      +mobile      +resonator

Thank you SO MUCH for the creation of these resonators. My kids and I benefit from them immensely“. Mizzey

These inexpensive little chips are still proving popular around the world. As a reward to loyal newsletter readers, I will continue to offer special offers.  For July, it is 15% off all the quantumk products for the whole month. Just use the coupon code July15 when you order.

Buy resonators

Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

Remember, there is 15% off the book, whether hard copy or download, this month. This is the first, and possibly last, time I have discounted the book, but I want it to reach as many people as possible because I do believe, and guarantee, that it will change your life for the better. Remember the code JULY15.

Buy book

This month’s theme – It has begun….

In December last year I wrote about a new consciousness field that I believe is developing around us, anchored in sacred sites and ready to be ignited through exceptional solar activity.

I have been watching for signs of unexpected solar flares or geometric storms and May this year really delivered. To have the aurora borealis visible in southern England was a first in my lifetime and scientists are suggesting there may be more extreme solar activity to follow in the months ahead.

I believe this is the ignition of the new grid. My family live on the site of a mediaeval monastery and I am aware of the intensity of this new energy around us. I could describe it as bittersweet, rich and beautiful but also demanding the deepest exploration of any unresolved wounds to love. It feels hard but sacred and our little family unit is being shown glimpses of a beautiful future, enriched by nature and community, while also being challenged in some of the deepest ways we can imagine. Life in all its rainbow colours.

So what should we expect now? I sought spiritual guidance as usual through a shamanic journey and was shown the first stage in the process of consciousness revolution. This stage is the exposure of lies, the bringing to light of the many untruths told to us by governments, large institutions and the media. I believe this process is beginning and I hope you can see this too on the global stage. I hope to receive guidance on the next stages as they develop.

But what does this mean for me?

We can’t all be whistleblowers, but we can still be part of the change. Honouring basic shamanic principles, we have to heal within us the dynamics we wish to change in the world outside. So let us look within, where are we living inauthentically?

Our wounds to love are often hidden from our conscious selves, and sometimes only the delicate discomfort of our gut warns us of imbalance. Here are some sample questions you might wish to ask yourself:

– Where do I not speak or live by my truth?

– Where do I appease rather than challenge?

– Where do I allow my fear to override my faith?

– Where do I ‘bypass’, pretending I am more healed or happier than I really am, ignoring the depth of my real struggles?

– Do I pretend that my core relationships are better than they really are?

When we do not live by our core values and ethics we sit in the mirky pond of inauthenticity. This weakens the platform from which we might try to challenge the unloving corporate world outside us.

To strengthen our core base of truth and love, we need to gently acknowledge these wounds to ourselves, without judgement. This loving awareness brings the shadow piece into the open, into the light, where it can be healed.

I’ll give you an example of where I have seen a big change recently. I know many women who live in relationships where the man is controlling in some form, perhaps gas-lighting, misogynistic, manipulative, coercive or sometimes overtly abusive. In the last few weeks, I have seen or heard of many women naming these dynamics and walking away from the relationship. This is so hard to do, and yet I see it happening as their deep discomfort in the relationship outweighs their fear of leaving it. Is this a pattern?

I have also seen clients walking away from work that does not honour their core values, preferring to dance with uncertainty in an unknown world than subvert aspects of their true self. Job security is an illusion anyway, it is a story that appeals to our survivalist limbic brain but life is inherently unpredicatble and, when we learn to accept this, we can embrace the choppy waves rather than seek the illusion of a safe haven.

So, I wish for you to step outside of the stories you tell yourself so you can live in truth, knowing that truth is an aspect of love, that love is the bedrock of the new consciousness grid and that the new grid is an aspect of Source itself. Find your truth and find the divine within you.

With Love



Why am I confused?

This month’s theme – why am I so confused?

If you are like me, every situation and challenge seems to present a range of choices, all carrying different feelings. Being human can be confusing.

What helps me understand this confusion is the possibility that we are not one singular mind or essence struggling for clarity, but a composition of many different parts that have been formed through our personal experiences, culture and family history.

These parts all have their own opinions and feelings, as would any room full of human beings. This concept could be called ‘shadow work’ under Jungian psychotherapy, or ‘parts work’ under the Internal Family Systems protocols designed by Richard Schwartz. Shamanic teachings also recognise this splitting – both at the soul level and in terms of our wounded core beliefs.

The essence I take from all these teachings is that we have 3 aspects of self:

The true self – I see this fundamentally as soul essence, higher self, superconscious, or whatever term you prefer. It is the part of us that is connected to Spirit and is eternal, a source of love, truth, clarity, healing and wisdom. There is no confusion here.

Some teachers suggest that this part cannot be wounded, but, personally, I’m not so sure. If this is soul essence, then I believe it can be depleted and aspects may leave this place of truth and wisdom until healed and re-integrated.

Wounded parts – these are the exiled parts of our essence that hold limiting beliefs along with difficult feelings and behaviours. They may feel unwelcome or unacceptable to the world around.

Protectors – I have heard these called a range of names like managers, loyal soldiers or gremlins. Their role is to keep the wounded parts safe and largely hidden from the world. They can use a whole range of limiting behaviours to avoid exposure of the wounded self, including addiction, distraction, avoidance, obsession, compliance, even illness.

These coping strategies may feel like a practical way to manage the parts of ourselves we judge unacceptable, but they only work for a while, if at all. The parts of ourselves that are judged as ‘less than’ in some way do not sit comfortably in exile – they can feel abandoned, shamed, angry.

Over time the wounds deepen and they need more extreme management to keep them locked away from the public eye. Eventually, they leak into our daily lives when we are under pressure, creating a confused and muddled expression of self. Their appearance may even be dramatic and seemingly ‘out of character’ to those who know us.

This can be a challenging experience but also potentially cathartic. Once revealed, it is possible to acknowledge and validate these wounded parts, taking steps to re-integrate them back into the true self. You might consider this the Tower card in Tarot, when everything comes crashing down but with that comes the chance for a fresh start.

I journeyed shamanically with the intention of finding a helpful perspective on this and was shown a series of 3 Russian dolls. The first represented the protectors, the face we present to the world. They can give the illusion of stability and ease, like the swan floating serenely on the surface of the water, but actually are working hard underneath to maintain the illusion.

The second doll hidden underneath was the wounded part, hiding behind the protectors and largely invisible to the outside world until deeply triggered.

The third part was the true self. Interestingly, this was the most hidden and the smallest of the 3 dolls. When I enquired with Huascar, the guardian of the underworld, about this I got that this was true, that as a species we live more in persona and protector than in our true essence. If you like numbers, the average percentages I was shown were 45% for the protectors, 35% for the wounded self and 20% for our true self.

That is a pretty sobering thought, that we might show only a fraction of our true selves.

The solution to this confusion and muddle? In the underworld I was shown the 3 Russian dolls separated out, each standing shoulder to shoulder with the other.

Historical harm needs to be unravelled gently in stages but, as a goal, we should try to let the world see all of us, with transparency in each moment about how we are feeling. Wounded parts and protectors are still valid parts of us and need to be accepted with compassion.

When the loving and gentle eyes of consciousness shine on an unhealed part of us, then what was previously hidden can be seen and deep healing can begin. The wounded parts can express themselves in their healed state and the protectors can go back to what they were doing before they took on this role. Confusion and competing beliefs can be replaced with alignment and clarity.

With love


Horizontal relationships

Website upgrade

I have extensively redesigned the product purchasing pages so that, if you want to buy resonators, my book or a music download, you can now do so with ease. The system automatically uses your local currency and applies the appropriate postage rate for you. So much easier! Shop


aura baselineaura with mobile phone aura healed

Baseline      +mobile      +resonator

I do the Quantum K free healing at least twice a week. I feel like a new person! I also carry a resonator in my pocket every day. I love how it makes me feel.. so much more even keeled”. Laurie 
To celebrate the new functionality of my shop, I’ve created a 10% discount option for all resonator orders received up to the end of Wednesday 8th May 2024. Simply type in RESONATOR10 at the checkout. Additional bulk discounts still apply.

Buy resonators

Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

I am working my way thru ‘heal your….. past’,  I’m on chapter 4 -5 a lot a shifts have happened and I’m feeling very different and this is great“.  Linda

Buy book

This month’s theme – Horizontal relationships

The concept of vertical and horizontal relationships was created by Psychotherapist Alfred Adler and has been brought back into the public eye through the modern Japanese bestseller ‘The courage to be disliked’ by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga.

A horizontal relationship is one where both parties have equal power and relate from a place of mutual respect and authority.

A vertical relationship is where one party is deemed to have more power or wisdom than another. An example would be the relationship between parent and child, doctor and patient or teacher and student. It might feel natural to assume these relationships need to be vertical ones but they work best when there is a mutual respect and sharing.

I want to focus on one area within this subject – horizontal and vertical relationships in spiritual and therapeutic circles. I have seen the healed and wounded states of these relationships and I’m aware of the delicacy of my own position with clients and even as the author of these newsletters.

This subject is close to my heart because I briefly experienced an extreme version of a vertical spiritual relationship many years ago and I was amazed by how alluring it was, even as discerning as I felt I was at the time.

The course in question was run by a leader with great charisma and absolute certainty about his beliefs, a self-proclaimed child prodigy. His teachings were an amalgamation of work across the ages, he claimed, so it felt safe to trust his wisdom and experience.

As I got drawn in deeper I was shown a very duality based spiritual world, where people were either disciplined or lazy and where the teacher was the only one who could help us reach the next ‘level’ of love.

This was clearly a vertical relationship, where he felt superior to us and would help us become superior to others. Written like this, it sounds obvious that I should have sussed it out sooner, but these dynamics were tempting and appealed to the part in me that wanted to be ‘special’ and expected ‘specialness’ to be the reward at the end of a long road of effort and dedication.

It was an extreme experience, but there are more subtle aspects that can ensnare us, even within a therapy session or on a retreat or training course.

There are many warning signs I look out for, including within myself as I write these newsletters. I am not trying to show any special access to wisdom, just my capacity to ask interesting questions, to stimulate curiosity without necessarily offering solutions. In doing so I try to relate with you horizontally, and I hope it feels that way to you too.

So how do we recognise vertical spiritual relationships? Here are my list of warning signs, do you recognise any of them in your life?

  1. The teacher claims to have a gift, a better access to Spirit and the truth than you and their teachings are not open to challenge or the possibility of error.
  2. Their opinions claim to be based on timeless, possibly hidden, teachings that ‘normal’ people can’t access.
  3. There is no scope for your own opinions, experience, training or intuition. If you suggest something you might even be told that you have problems with authority or are channelling spirits.
  4. This rejection of your own sense of truth pushes you to concede your autonomy and personal values. You give your truth over to the leader / teacher / therapist.
  5. Sexual boundaries can be crossed.
  6. Extreme financial commitment is needed as proof of your dedication. You might be told that if you would spend money on, for example, life saving surgery, why not on your own spiritual development? If you question the cost you are told you have a problem with scarcity consciousness and your root chakra.
  7. There are promises of hierarchical spiritual rewards that lead to personal salvation.
  8. You might be taught that those who don’t follow this path will suffer in some great day of reckoning or global separation.
  9. Suffering and sacrifice are encouraged as a pathway to God or healing
  10. Members are expelled for non-compliance as an example to any waverers.

The relationship between client and therapist can feel inherently safer than being part of a spiritual movement, but risks still apply. There may be some clearer boundaries but the therapist inherently holds some core power and must use it to empower the client to find their own true path of healing rather than impose one on them. This helps keep the relationship horizontal, with the therapist in support of the client’s chosen objectives and healing process rather than in control of it.

The therapist must tread a delicate, nuanced, path and be careful not to drop into ‘rescuer’ or ‘director’. It is a constant challenge to ensure the client grows to feel their own wisdom and power, not the therapists.

With love


Ease, challenge and suffering


aura baselineaura with mobile phone aura healed

Baseline      +mobile      +resonator

I just wanted to say how powerfully I feel the energy coming off the Quantum K resonators! Wow! Wow! Wow! (since I received 3).  Anyway, thank you! I was buzzing already, but these are amazing! Mary Elizabeth.

This month’s special offer is different – the chance to win your order. For everyone who makes a resonator order by the close of Tuesday 8th April, I will put their name in a hat and randomly draw out a winner. I will then fully refund the cost of their resonator order! Will it be a small order or a large one? I’ll let you know next month. Buy resonators

Book – ‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’
Energy just started flowing as soon as I started reading the first section and continued till I stopped, as if the simple act of reading was a healing process. It was amazing!” Fiona F, England
A big thank you to everyone who has supported this project. I still have a few supplies from the original print run and when they are gone I will evolve to ‘print on demand’, which has advantages in terms of distribution but is inevitably lower quality. If you want to enjoy the highest quality product, personally signed if you wish, now is the time to order: Buy book
This month’s theme – ease, challenge and suffering.

The idea came to me as a theme one recent night. A full moon brought the foxes out into the fields around us and our dog worked herself up into such a frenzy that she threw up all over the carpet. Our daughter developed a fever which kept us up some of the night, the toilet broke and the winds blew my new veggie cloches clean across the garden.

These were small challenges in the general scheme of things, but I could really feel the close relationship between the ease of that day and the challenge of that night.

I drew a Tarot card and got Temperance – the essence of moderation and finding balance between the energies of ease and difficulty. It asked us to explore how we keep in balance when we are faced by the inevitable challenges of life. How do we meet the easy and the difficult with equanimity?

I journeyed shamanically to the mythic and was shown the scales of balance, with the suggestion that planet earth remains in balance when there is an appropriate presence of ease and difficulty. The sweetness of the human existence depends upon the contextual canvas they bring and how we relate to them.

I explored whether this balance point required an identical match of the two energies and was told ‘no’, that the Universe, or at least our part of it, had a slight tendency towards light and the expansion of consciousness, so a tendency towards ‘love’.

Each is essential to the other but, without undue influence, our soul’s journey should take us closer to God and Spirit, not further away.

This reminds me of the Buddha’s teaching, that the route of all suffering is desire, described under the three headings of greed and desire, ignorance and delusion, hatred and destructive urges. When we overcome our shadow desires, we can transcend suffering.

The problems of the last 200,000 years, which we could call ‘recent history’ in the wider picture, started when one person saw the homestead of their neighbour and wanted it. The age of the ‘taker’ had begun, a still active period of history where the powerful take from the powerless and have priority access and influence to goods and services, information, medicine and legal support.

When I asked Spirit in my journey what would bring this situation back into natural balance I was told the energy of ‘equality’. This makes sense to me, the full rotation of our species back to that original place of harmony when we all lived in right relationship with each other, when we shared the abundance of nature with moderation, taking what we needed and no more. A return to these values would mean a return to love and a world of peace where neighbours live in harmony with each other, without envy or the shadows of desire.

So, with another nod to Buddhist teachings, if we can accept that challenge and difficulty is a natural and necessary part of the human experience, then perhaps we can learn to embrace it for the gifts it might contain, meeting our challenges and our ease with equanimity. How much more gentle might life feel if our difficulties could be seen not as karmic punishment or penance for our low intrinsic value, but as simply the nuts and bolts of life on planet earth? It’s not personal, it’s just life.

In my small world, our carpet is clean again and our border collie more relaxed. My daughter is well, the veggie cloches are back on, and we have a super new set of drain clearing rods.

These are minor issues for sure, but I feel it is important to celebrate, with deep gratitude, the privilege of my relatively safe and abundant life. I also take action to honour the vision that, one day soon, this will be available to us all.

With love


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