Where is the truth?

Welcome to my latest newsletter. This is the English version, but there are translations on the Quantum K website. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.

Someone has kindly pointed out that the sample of the Quantum K3 music wasn’t working. I’ve corrected the problem, so for those of haven’t yet heard the extract, here it is:

Quantum K3 extract

Resonators – electromagnetic protection and more

These amazing little energy chips are already good value at only £11 for a pack of 3, with discounts when you buy multiple packs. To make them even more affordable, I’m introducing a special offer until the end of this Sunday 16th July – any orders for 2 or more sets of resonators will have an extra set included free. If you buy 6 sets or more I’ll add two sets extra for free. Just follow this link and order as normal, I will add the extra set(s) by hand: Resonators

Book – ‘Heal Your Past Free Your Future’

We are getting close to the end of the healing keys that I am sharing. The keys give some access to the healing potential of the book, but the healing intention is greatly enhanced by reading the chapter itself, with all its ground-breaking information:

Book purchase

This month’s key is all about grounding and embodiment:

Key 11

“I am fully grounded and present within my body. My assemblage point emerges perfectly from my heart centre”

497 126 453 020

This month’s theme : Where is the truth?

Telling the truth is a bedrock of a balanced society…. but what and where is the truth? Is it as definitive as it sounds?

When we say phrases like ‘in truth..’ or ‘my truth here is…’ we are not necessarily speaking the truth, just our opinion in that moment. This will inevitably be influenced by all our experiences and limiting beliefs and could be miles away from the actual truth.

I suspect we all innately yearn to know the truth, and often give our power away to doctors, priests, scientists, parents, gurus, teachers and other figures of authority who claim to have access to it. And yet, most sources of expertise have probably evolved their thinking over the years. Can you think of any timeless absolutes in medicine?… dentistry?… politics?…economics?… spirituality?… naturopathy? The truth never changes, only our limited perception of it.

Issues with truth emerge from institutions as well as individuals. These bodies are rapidly disempowering us as individuals, asking us to shed our own discernment at the alter of their official ‘truth’, based on the absolutes of science, medicine and economics. I like absolutes, they give me comfort, but there are very few out there.

Ultimately, the best resource we have is our own personal discernment and intuition. Nothing matters more, but it can still be very elusive. I am saddened to see so many nuanced debates polarised into this or that, right or wrong, rather than this and that. This dualistic thinking is creating separation at a time when we desperately need coalition.

Another significant risk is of the truth being weaponised. The Incan shaman call this the ‘shadow of jaguar’, the aggressive form of our power. Alarm bells should ring for anything that sounds like:

“My guides tell me you should not …”
“My truth here is that you were wrong to…”
“I need to get this off my chest.”
“I am sorry that you feel that way.”
Can you see how this is not about speaking the truth? It is just criticism, opinion and judgement in disguise.

There is another aspect to this that is a bit more subtle. Sometimes, we can genuinely want to help but have no permission. For instance, we might be out with our friend and say: “You know, you say you want a relationship, but I never see you approaching anyone. Have you looked into whether you have any shadow beliefs around this?”. That may be a totally valid comment, but unless it was specifically invited you have no permission to volunteer it.

My guidelines for speaking out are:

1. Is this the absolute truth or an opinion?

2. Do I have permission to say it? Have I been asked to comment?

3. Does what I want to say add value?

4. Does it come from a place of love?

5. Is now a good time?

All too often, I have seen criticism or commentary coming from a person’s need to clear their pent-up energy, their own need to speak masqueraded as ‘speaking my truth’. This is projection, looking for personal healing and deciding that dumping some unresolved energy on someone else will help. It might, for a while, but it is not loving or appropriate.

There is only one truth in the Universe and that truth is love. Words, even the word ‘love’ is inherently limited and cannot come even close to expressing the truth of what it is trying to represent.

In that sense, all words, including these, are flawed. They have value if they help you move closer to the absolute truth of love but are not the truth in themselves. Let them help you but not define you or inhibit your own journey of discernment and learning.

With love


What do we all want but can’t have?

Book – ‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’

As we approach the last 3 healing keys, I feel so much gratitude to those who have shared this journey of healing and discovery with me. I am still considering how best to share the material more widely, perhaps even more personally through support groups.

The key this month is one of the most uncomfortable for people involved in complementary healthcare to sit with. There are shadows in our industry, a history of cultural appropriation and engaging in sacred practices without permission or honouring of the lineage and source of that wisdom. The key below touches into the issue, but if you are a healer or therapist, please do read the full material. ‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’

Key 10

“I acknowledge my privilege and release all the ways it distorts my sense of equality, respect and reciprocity with all other people and cultures”

292 417 192 223

Today’s theme – what do we all want but can’t have?

I am often amused by seeing BBC weather forecasters constantly changing their short term predictions. Even with the best computers around, they struggle to understand weather patterns from a mathematical, retrospective modelling. I do feel that this belief that they can learn from the past to understand the future misses one crucial element – that the weather is an aspect of Mother Earth and she is conscious. Trying to predict her movements is like me trying to predict the behaviour or mood of my 4 year old a day in advance.

In a broader sense, life is inherently chaotic and our instincts tell us to look for some sense of control – the key element I allude to in the title. There might be a desire for physical safety, but also security within our finances, emotions and relationships. By looking for control, we try to resolve a perceived problem by eliminating its unknown and unpredictable aspects.

It sounds very tempting, and yet it would deny us aspects of our humanity and the unique challenges of living in uncertainty that can sometimes help us grow as souls.

I must stress here that I am not referring to genuinely threatening situations that diminish our life experience, such as war, poverty, racism, misogyny or homophobia. This is about those situations where we are inhibited by our innate fears, cultural programming and core beliefs rather than the reality of any particular threat.

I want to share a personal example here around my own desire for financial security. I have a special someone in my life, a former foster child, who has struggled in her early adulthood and offers me the gift of financial chaos – the chance to find inner peace and stability when we regularly, but unpredictably, need to step in and help her. I watch her life from within my own bubble of privilege and see how easily the state systems look to punish and sanction her whenever she makes the slightest mistake.

As an example, she weaned herself off medications she had been on throughout her adulthood without consulting her GP, and they withdrew her sick note immediately, without discussion.

The government then withdrew her housing, unemployment and disability benefits for 3 months, a loss of all that she depended upon for survival.

What is the underlying intention for punishing the most vulnerable people in our society? I can only draw one conclusion, which I don’t even want to put into print.

I could battle the system itself but have chosen not to do so here. There is definitely a place for opposition but the main action I take is to guarantee this person a safety net, denying the system the chance to fulfill any of its potentially harmful intentions.

What would happen if the people who administer this system take a stand? – like the housing officer who threatened her with eviction if she went even a week behind, knowing she had no income. To survive, cruel systems need to be enforced and when people start saying ‘no’, then the system has to change. I suspect we can all find areas in our lives where we have started to normalise unnecessarily harsh or punishing state systems.

That is my story, an aspect of my need for control. Do you have a story too? If so, what can we all do to help soothe our innate need for certainty? In times of genuine danger or oppression we must do all we can to control our situation and stay safe, but in more subtle circumstances, please consider the following:

Accept that control and predictability are not available so stop looking for them.

Reframe the stress of uncertainty as a necessary challenge, one that allows us to show our resilience, learn trust in life and our capacity to cope. A hero cannot be a hero without a challenge to overcome and if we can meet the unknown with excitement rather than fear, then we will likely create a more powerful outcome.

Rather than oppose what we don’t want, can we align with and energise what we do want?

With love


The alchemy of healing


I have already explored how these little grounding chips work. They seem to connect us to the electromagnetic tuning fork of mother earth and her natural rhythms.

I have another curiosity based on the two aura photos below. How is it that the resonators hold a healed state for the person’s injured left wrist? Why is the thick white band in the first more balanced in the second?

     Baseline photo             With resonator added

It suggests to me that resonators do more than just support us in the face of electromagnetic interference. They must also connect us to our own blueprint in some way. If Mother earth is an aspect of the divine, then when we connect with her we must surely also be connecting to our own divinely inspired state of being.

If you want to try these inexpensive supporters out for yourself, please follow this link: Resonators


We are moving towards the last few healing keys and codes, looking at topical and potentially controversial areas. The keys give you some support but without the context of the supporting chapter itself.

Here is the healing key for today…

Key 9

I honour the unique essence of the masculine and feminine within me and live through the highest expression of their gifts.

428 119 263 197

I am so grateful for your continued support as the book finds an ever growing audience. If you want to join us, please follow this link: Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

Today’s main theme – The alchemy of healing

I’ve experienced so many incredible therapies on my journey of healing. I’ve often reflected on the huge variety of offerings out there and looked for any commonalities that connect them. What is that single process, that magical alchemical reaction that is essential for any healing process to take place? I believe there is a core process and I’ll tell you what it looks like to me:

The first step is to clearly identify the exact nature of the issue. You wouldn’t expect a doctor to jump to their prescription pad if you said you were ‘feeling unwell’ any more than you would expect a complementary therapist to help without knowing what is out of balance. You might manifest, for example, a skin complaint but is it a result of inner toxicity? … a sense of needing stronger boundaries to the outside world?… or a childhood lack of loving touch? I don’t believe our wounded expressions will simply let go of their protective programmes unless we have identified exactly what needs releasing and why it is safe or appropriate to do so.

The second step is to show our internal systems that the imbalance or response is untrue or unnecessary. The old behaviour might be based on the dangers felt in an historical situation that is no longer present, or the result of a false belief system pushed by a childhood caregiver.

These protective instincts are there to help us, not punish us. There are times when indigestion, high states of alert, poor sleep etc may be natural and to some extent necessary. When that situation has passed, healing of their consequences can be found. If the situation is still present, there is much support that can be given, but aspects of these deeper issues may remain.

Having established the exact nature of the core wound and that it is timely and appropriate to work with it, the third step is to create an environment where the wound is met by an aspect of our healed state. In other words, an aspect of our experience that is out of balance will be a depleting factor on our life force and will only be balanced when it is met by a healed resource. I suggest there are 3 core areas of resource, perhaps you can think of more:

  1. The body’s natural blueprint and its innate knowledge of it. When you stimulate a meridian or a pressure point, the body assesses the current state of that system or energy channel against its known state of wellness.

  2. A balanced system somewhere within the body. For instance, a therapist might ask a client to find a place within that feels stable and grounded. An anxious mind might be helped by the stability of that person’s rhythmic breathing pattern, or the solid feeling of their feet upon the floor.

  3. A connection with an external source of healing, such as reiki, the angelic realm, God, or nature.

I believe that healing is not just a connection to some form of love, it is also a connection to truth. Love, healing and the truth are all aspects of the same energy. If you receive healing you might also receive truth through the correction of an illusion you have been holding, perhaps around your self-worth or your personal safety.

I believe we are all eternal beings created perfectly; the confusion built into the human condition is that we can easily and understandably lose sight of this.

With love


Where are we heading ? Part II

Welcome to my latest newsletter. This is the English version, but there are translations on the Quantum K website. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.


These inexpensive little chips emit a subtle electromagnetic field. They help connect us back into the heart of Gaia, even in the face of interference from modern technology.

Their effects are easily demonstrated using kinesiology muscle testing, and the aura photographs on my website are staggering. When I journeyed shamanically about them, I was shown the image of two human feet stood at the tideline, with the latest wave withdrawing gently back to the ocean, leaving ripples in the sand as the water navigates around the person’s toes.

I know that feeling, the deep sensual connection of that place where land meets water. I’m not suggesting that resonators replicate that exquisite feeling, but they can, perhaps, replicate the effects that deep connection with the earth have on our energy fields. They are designed as grounding devices, keeping us in deep and close relationship to the earth beneath us regardless of the electromagnetic stresses above her surface. Resonators

Book – ‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’

I am so grateful to the hundreds of you that have bought the book. I do believe it has life changing potential so please do check it out if you have any interest at all for yourself or a loved one. Book

Here is key 8. It sounds a bit mysterious as the component parts appear unconnected, but there is a clear theme holding them together, that of our wounded core beliefs. For me, these 4 components hold a powerful space that includes hundreds of more specific core beliefs that sit underneath.

Key 8

“I live in the ‘now’. I recognise that everyone is doing the best they can. There is nothing I need to do or become. I am safe”.

222 937 118 423

This month’s theme – Where are we heading?

In last month’s newsletter I mentioned a shamanic journey where I asked for a view of how technology might interfere with our innate drive for community.

The image I was shown was of the mature oak tree (representing community) with a trailing ivy (technology) snaking up its trunk. I’m sure you have many interesting interpretations of this vision, this is mine:

For me, this shows that there is a parasitical shadow to the technology route, that as much as it claims to be complete as a model, it relies upon our innate community desires to nourish it. It needs the collective infrastructure and stability of the oak tree, our shared drive to work together towards a common goal. As powerful as it appears to be, its energy is built upon the strengths of the established value systems of human communities and the supply chains that support us all.

Have you noticed how so much of the narrative of recent years has invited us to work towards what is named as a common good, but is often deeply divisive and serves only the powerful and the rich? Ruling bodies sell their ideas with a superficial wrapper of ‘higher purpose’ to disguise their true intention, that of maintaining power and increasing their net worth at our expense.

For example, here are a few narratives of the current rule makers and what I think is the true energy behind them in brackets:

  • ‘Trust in science’ (give up your own intuition, discernment and research).
  • ‘Let us track your movement, health choices and expenditure’ (loss of various freedoms, with population data gathering).
  • ‘You need us to help you through this’ (government grants and safety nets giving a temporary fix to problems of their own making and creating dependency on state aid).
  • ‘Dissenters are troublemakers and laws must be changed to ban types of protest’ (loss of free speech and right to protest. Do what you are told!).
  • ‘Refugees and immigrants are a problem’ (sanctioning racism, ‘othering’ and a fear based blaming of anyone different from ourselves).
  • ‘Take this pill/ medical intervention to protect the vulnerable’ (loss of medical freedom of choice).
  • ‘Incentivise those struggling, or not in a job, to work harder’ (blame the poor, diverting attention from the true source of any problem).

This is just my sense, what do you feel?

The good news is that if this imagery is true, any restrictions on our personal autonomy still need us all to implement them. We are the oak tree after all, we have the structure and the true power. Here are a few suggestions to keep it that way:

  1. Keep researching and share what you find.
  2. Take action to create the life you want. This doesn’t mean being intrinsically in opposition to what you don’t like; there is a place for protest but sometimes opposing something gives it energy. It can be equally important to put your energy into what you do want, not against what you don’t.
  3. Quiet non-compliance. Most draconian systems need compliance and support by the people. Without the support of the networks of the oak tree, nothing happens.
  4. Do your internal work. Explore where you resist your own power and any times when you have accepted that your feelings and opinion have no value or are causing harm.
  5. Significantly change the life of one person. This isn’t about rescuing, but I believe most of us know someone who desperately needs our support, guidance, or resources to break out of their suffering. If we could each make heroic interventions for just one person, that would change the world.

Whatever happens, I hope we can recognise that we are all in this together. Unlike the science fiction movies I mentioned last month, no one gets left behind in this envisaged world future. One solution for us all, one human race, one world.

With love


Where are we heading?

Welcome to my latest newsletter. This is the English version, but there are translations on the Quantum K website. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.

Special offer for March

Last month’s special offer seemed to go down very well, so here is another, this time a gift to the planet and our future.

This month, I will be donating £4 (including Gift Aid) to the Rainforest Trust for every qualifying order received by me before midnight Sunday 19th Feb. Each donation will protect nearly one acre of rainforest, so a win / win / win. A qualifying order is:

  1. Every copy sold or downloaded of my book ‘Heal Your Past, Free your Future’ Book
  2. Every order of at least 3 packs of resonators (minimum value £26). Resonators
  3. If you buy both, I will donate twice.

Please do check out the links for information on why the resonators and the book are such valuable healing tools.

Meantime, here is the 7th key from the book, a short key from a very detailed chapter…

Key 7

I release all retained fight, flight, freeze and fawn dynamics. I am safe.”

497 128 513 029 


This month’s theme – Where are we heading? Part 1

This is a big subject so I will share my senses in two instalments. Here is part 1, starting with some context:

There are many qualities shared by shaman and story tellers. In indigenous cultures, the shaman and wise elders of the village would maintain a framework of moral guidelines through the stories they told of heros and legend. These stories would pass down the generations so that the ethics they contained could hold a consistent set of unwritten rules for those to come. The shaman might also see likely scenarios for the future through tracking the energies prevalent in that moment and seeing where they could lead. In doing so, they could also create prophesy and a common vision of the future to work towards.

I feel that these ancient traditions are still held today, just with different roles and job titles.

Some authors and script writers are shaman of sorts, challenging us to feel into the ethics and morality of the story presented. Science fiction is a genre that can take a view into possible futures based on the prevailing energies of the day, and can be accurate when we look back on historical scripts with the benefit of hindsight.

Think of recent themes – viral pandemics, mutant humans and a range of apocalyptic scenarios where the privileged few create a dystopian society based on heavy technology but at the loss of personal autonomy. Have you seen the Divergent film series? Hunger Games? The Island? Total Recall? to name just a few…

In these challenging movies, there is often an enclosed community dependent on technology but with limited individual freedom. They are run by individuals or small groups of ‘elite’ with absolute power to make any enforce the rules.

Beyond their high walls, there are often survivors in the old world, ‘outsiders’ who manage to live in a primal way, scraping a living with primitive farming tools and hunting equipment. They are often portrayed as diseased and threatening in some way, but often just lacking in the security of the ones portrayed as ‘lucky’ inside their futuristic dome.

I believe these script writers are feeling into possible futures just like the shaman. These scripts capture our attention and draw us in because we recognise their possibility, we tremor slightly at the prospect that these futuristic scenarios might just come true.

The responsibility we all have is to decide if these scenarios are what we dream of and, if not, decide what we need to do now to alter the flow of energy in that direction. Whatever the likelihood or possibilities, we still have the capacity to change the outcome, if we can all fundamentally align with something that feels better.

Honouring the themes of these futuristic films, I see two core pathways emerging:

The technology ‘dome’

-Extreme divergence between those benefiting from this technology and those excluded

-No individual wealth or possessions

-Stifled debate with no protests allowed

-Basic needs dictated and met by those in charge

-Mandated medical treatments

-Rigid and oppressive enforcement of the rules

-Everyone working towards the perceived highest good of the dome

Natural living in communities

-Technology supporting the people, not controlling them

-Small enterprises and trades meeting local needs

-Self-sufficient, local community hubs

-Rules and decisions made by local councils of elders and wise people

-Free will, flexibility, openness to discussion and debate

-Everyone working to meet the highest state of the community and its individuals

When I journeyed shamanically to ask about these two options I was shown the natural, communal way of living represented as a mature oak tree, for me symbolising the power, stability and timelessness of this way of living. It felt self-supporting and part of the flow of life, giving and receiving in equal measures.

The technology dome scenario showed as a parasitical climbing ivy, wrapping around the trunk of the tree to help it climb towards the sustenance of natural light.

What does this mean? I will give you my interpretation next month along with a few ideas of how to maintain our freedom of choice as we face powerful interests that feel they know better than we do in all areas of our lives.

In the meantime, please feel into this imagery for yourself and find your own truths within this metaphor.

With love



Shame – how to recognise and release it

Electromagnetic Protection – Resonators

These little harmonising chips prove continually popular and I am so grateful to all the thousands of you who use them. As a celebratory offer, I’m offering some special sets that have 4 resonators in them rather than 3, so a 33% bonus, for the normal price. Bulk discounts still apply as usualThe offer ends midnight (your time zone) this Sunday 19th Feb: Resonators

Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

We are approaching the milestone of 500 book sales, fundamentally from you loyal 5000 who read these newsletters, so thank you again for your support. With £4 now going to Survival.org for each sale, you help indigenous peoples and the rainforests while supporting your own healing journey – a true win/win.

Heal Your Past, Free Your Future – BUY

It’s time for key 6 from the chapter on childhood:

I embrace my inner child with love. I release all the childhood wounds I carry and all the responsibility I absorbed for events that happened around me.”

496 297 102 413

Today’s main article – managing shame

According to recent research, shame is a survival mechanism.

The suggestion is that the feeling of shame is powerful enough to coerce us into behaving in socially “acceptable” ways, and this mechanism dates all the way back to ancient human groups when social acceptance was critical for survival.

“Our ancestors lived in small, cooperative social groups that lived by hunting and gathering. In this world, your life depended on others valuing you enough to give you and your children food, protection, and care,” said researcher and professor of anthropology John Tooby.

It therefore makes sense to me why children have evolved to assume responsibility for any perceived issue in their environment, with their shame acting as a warning of behaviour that might lead to their rejection. 

This doesn’t mean that shame is useful as a long term state of being, any more than it is helpful to live in a constant state of anger or anxiety. It might be protective in an acute situation –  a way of assessing whether certain behaviour brings connection or separation – but should then be released. That is why some parents try to reassure their children that a certain behaviour might not be appropriate, but that they are still deeply loved, that a ‘bad’ action does not mean a ‘bad’ person.  

Like love, shame is hard to describe in words. It is deep, silent, nuanced and complex, showing up in our behaviours, beliefs, posture and emotions.

Here are a few examples I have come across of how it might manifest:

  1. Feeling that can never do enough for other people.
  2. De-prioritising your own needs.
  3. Feeling undeserving of life, love or happiness.
  4. Loneliness, no-one is there for you.
  5. Self judgement and low self-esteem.
  6. Avoidance of deep connection.
  7. Low motivation and a sense of hopelessness.
  8. Low energy. 
  9. Acutely aware of how you look and what other people in the room are thinking about you.
  10. Hunched shoulders, bowed head, drooped posture, poor eye contact.
  11. Self sabotaging behaviour, eg addictions, obsessions or poor personal care.
  12. Difficulty receiving praise or compliments

I expect we all have shame at some level. For me, it feels like an inevitable life companion to some degree, like anxiety and anger. It sits in the shadowy places of our ego, but ideally with us in control of it rather than the other way around.

If we are to escape its effects, I suggest a few approaches:

  1. Acknowledge that it is there, and talk to someone about it if it feels OK to do so.
  2. Explore where it came from. Did your parents validate you or make you feel small? If you know its origins, you can change your perspective and avoid taking on parental projections.
  3. When you feel other uncomfortable emotions, like anger or anxiety, look for the shame that might be lying beneath.
  4. Stop projecting it onto other people. If you feel yourself judging others, it could be coming from your own self judgement.

Basically, be aware, own it, forgive yourself. However lost we may become on our life’s journey, I don’t believe that anyone is inherently shameful. In the words of Darryl Anka:

You are all worthy; if you weren’t all worthy, believe me, you would not exist, because creation does not make mistakes. Thus, if you exist you belong; there is a reason why creation is not complete without you. Stop arguing with creation. Take it at its word; if you exist, you deserve to exist and if you deserve to exist you deserve to be who you are as fully as you possibly can. This is just simple logic”

With love


Who can I trust?

Today’s main theme – who can you trust?

One of the most prevailing themes I see with clients is betrayal of trust. This can be from teachers, doctors, or wider family, but the most fundamental of all comes when a mother or father does not honour that basic parental contract of love and presence. That love is not just a warm smile or embrace, it is that consistent presence that says ‘I love you, I am here for you, I will listen to you and keep you safe. You make me happy’.

Was that your experience?

If not, perhaps there were understandable reasons why your parents struggled; I like to think that everyone does their best in the circumstances they are given. It helps me step away from judgement.

If our basic needs are not met growing up, or there are times of specific trauma, then we will inevitably take some insecurities into our adulthood. At one level, we may lack the strength of our own convictions and discernment through not being validated or heard growing up, leading us to give away our power to any authority figure, whether doctor, teacher or elder.

At the other extreme, we may learn that it is safest to trust no-one, that we are alone in a dangerous world and must do and decide everything for ourself.

Neither approach is likely to lead to joy or peace, as understandable as they can be in the circumstances.

So when we are feeling unsure or vulnerable, where can we place our trust? I journeyed shamanically for inspiration and was shown 5 areas that I would invite you to feel into:

  1. Synchronicity – if something or someone randomly shows up in your life repeatedly or coincidentally, then there might be a message there for you. You can also set a clear intention to receive guidance from divination cards like Tarot, trusting that the right card will show up at the right time. This can also be seen as an act of synchronicity.

  2. Sacred medicines – these have held our communities throughout history. Our local herbs offer levels of support that hold us strong when we wobble. There is particular power in the herbs grown or found on our own land, they reflect the needs of those on that land and its specific vibration, climate and culture.

  3. Your own body wisdom – your body always calls it as it sees it, no stories or bias gets in the way, our cells are always working towards what they see as the highest expression of our self at all levels. Trust what you feel. You can even ask questions of this internal wisdom. If you stand up and ask for a ‘yes’ response you might feel a sway forwards or backwards, or a turning of your head left or right, If you can establish a different ‘no’ response you have a way of accessing your inner wisdom. Dowsing can offer similar benefits.

  4. That special person – Do you have a person that you can turn to in times of need who you trust and is trustworthy? Who is that rock of support, whether lover, friend or therapist who helps your nervous system to relax, who you can ease into without drama?

  5. Our myths – Communities across the ages have been held by their camp-fire stories, the legends of their ancestors holding a sense of ethics and core values. Even without written records, the essence of these stories passed through the generations, offering consistent threads of guidance. Modern societies have largely lost their timeless stories but our films and TV dramas still carry the essence of our collective consciousness. When we explore stories of courage, compassion and ethical dilemmas we exercise our internal moral compass. That internal reaction, especially when we are uplifted and inspired, is something we can deeply trust.

I wrote in June 2022 about the Universe’s tendency towards simplicity. I feel that here, that when I am looking for the best approach in any situation I try to look for the path of simplicity and ease. When a process feels complicated or entangled, there is a high likelihood of misalignment or imbalance in some way. By all means trust the 5 areas I mentioned above where it resonates with you, but also trust in simplicity, it might be the most useful guide of all…

Electromagnetic resonators

Thank you all for your continuing support. I am constantly amazed at how powerful these little chips are and yet in concept they are so simple – they act as little electromagnetic tuning forks, keeping us in harmony with Mother Earth. It feels good to mention them here having just written about simplicity, maybe they can be part of your support group too…  Resonators

With love


The missing piece in the laws of manifestation

Book: ‘Heal Your Past Free Your Future’

I am delighted to say that, fundamentally through you, the readers of these newsletters, we are getting close to 500 copies sold. Thank you all so much!

There is still time to order a copy for a loved one at Christmas, or for yourself as a launchpad for some positive new year resolution, so please keep buying.

Every copy sold generates at least £4 to charity, www.survivalinternational.org

It is time to share healing key no 4. The book adds context to the intention, but there is still some value in using this key on its own:

I now release all unhelpful ancestral influences, including limiting belief systems and any other inherited dynamics that impede the highest expression of my life”.

128 497 226 563

Today’s theme – the missing piece in the laws of manifestation

If, like me, you want to understand how creative energy works, you will probably have asked questions like:

  • How does prayer work? Is it appropriate to make requests or just express gratitude?
  • Is there a limited supply of energy in the Universe? Does me receiving come at the expense of someone else?
  • What is the power of intention? How much action is needed to bring it into effect?
  • Can we create or predict outcomes with absolute certainty?

I might explore some of these points in future newsletters, but for now I want to focus on the last one – can we manifest a certain future or outcome using our creative powers?

The conclusion I have come to is ‘no’ and I’ll tell you why….

Can you imagine a scenario where someone wants to heal something central to them, for example, their inability to find a soul mate, or to have a baby. In a universe where the laws of manifestation and creation are absolute and precise, this person could engage a therapist or shaman and explore all the different ways in which they are blocked to this outcome – childhood and family wounds, ancestral issues, limiting karma etc. When they were all cleared, the energy would be aligned to a soul mate and one would be drawn in with absolute certainty because energy and intention has to be honoured and reciprocated.

This sounds very appealing, but there would be a catch. We would become so powerful, almost God like, that we could learn how to resolve issues with absolute certainty, free of risk or challenge. As we developed our skills over generations, everything would become possible. There would be nothing left to chance. In effect, our embodied world would move towards the spiritual realms where instantaneous creation is possible. What then would be the point of incarnation if we live in absolute creative control of our lives?

This is why I believe that God added a little seasoning to the recipe for the universal laws of creation. This all loving consciousness added a sprinkling of chaos so that our embodied lives would always be governed, to some degree, by the unknown, the unpredictable.

Only then could our human existence move away from Spirit, could sheer bad luck start to infect the seeming perfection of certainty. With this came risk – the possibility that things might not work out as we wished, and with that, fear.

Yes, this virus of chaos helped create a framework for lives where not everything can be predicted, manifested or controlled. Only then could we experience the true context of uncertainty and, through that, bring context to the Divine perfection of absolute certainty that is the unconditional love of God.

There are many gifts to be found in embracing chaos and sheer bad luck. It can stop us believing unequivocally that everything we experience is of our own creation and there to be controlled – such a hard burden to bear.

This is not to obviate our creative responsibility for ourselves and our world, just to release some of that pressure valve that says it’s all up to us and when it goes wrong we, or someone around us, must have done something out of balance.

As always, I rely on the support of the Spirit for guidance. When I journeyed to the mythic to explore this area, I asked the simple question of the angelic guardians – how much of our life is truly under our control? What I got back could be described as:

‘Life is no more predictable than the weather. There are a range of influences that set a likely direction or outcome, such as your intentions, core beliefs, actions, karma, astrology, ancestry and the collective energy of your community and species. All of these can be explored and supported, but however much work you do, you cannot remove the final ingredient in the creative soup – that of chaos’.

How does that sit with you? Does it feel right? If so, is it a relief to you or a source of worry?

For me, it validates our efforts to be the best that we can be, but it also allows some freedom from total responsibility for how the various aspects of our lives turn out. This is the exquisite nature of being human – having some control over the direction of our ship but having also to trust in the benevolence of good fortune and favourable winds to guide us safely to our chosen port or destination.

To be truly at peace with this, we must be able to meet different outcomes with equanimity, knowing that it was not necessarily ‘meant to be’, or ‘part of a higher plan’ it just ‘is.’ This is not to minimise our suffering, loss or disappointment, only to honour the wildness of what it is to be human, that amongst all the wonderful things we can create as conscious beings, there is also a place for sheer bad luck.

With love



Living with intimacy

Welcome to my latest newsletter. This is the English version, but there are translations on the Quantum K website. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.

Resonators to support us with electromagnetic smog

Thank you also for your support with my resonators. Here is a recent testimonial from a client from South Africa:

“Thank you Andrew, the resonators I’ve purchased from you are absolutely effective! I felt grounded and more centered, even noticed a positive effect on my meditations. I could easily slip into meditation and connect with Source”. Anusha

Here is the link if you want to try out some of these very inexpensive helpers. If you need a Christmas present idea for a friend or loved one, a pack of these will slip sweetly into a Christmas card: Resonators

Book -‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’

In my quest to share all the healing keys from the book, here is the third one, under the beguiling title ‘Muddy Boots’. This is no substitute for the wealth of information shared in the book, but the harmonic and statement have value as a standalone healing tool:

I now release all limiting soul contracts, curses, spells, core beliefs and foreign energies from my energy field. I lovingly embrace the lessons they have taught me.”

929 463 127 228 

If you want to put this all in context, here is the book link: Heal Your Past, Free Your Future  Again, a great idea for a Christmas present, and don’t forget there is a Spanish translation available now…..

This month’s theme: Are you living intimately?

True intimacy is a natural state of being where we are present, mindful and relaxed. In this state, we are aware of all the sensations at the perimeters of our known self, whether that is our physical body or our energy field. It is not something we need to strive for or force, it is our natural state of being when we are in balance.

When we are living intimately, we sense and appreciate everything around us, the gentle brush of the wind on our faces, the warmth of a hand holding our own, the aroma of that first cup of coffee and the soft feel of those freshly changed bed sheets. Intimacy isn’t just about sex…

As beautiful as this is, it is an incredibly vulnerable state to live in and hard to maintain unless we feel genuinely safe and nourished. A high state of vigilance is not conducive to intimacy; the stimuli being absorbed while on alert is to satisfy the demands of our survivalist instincts, our optimum response to the perceived threats in our environment. This is control not surrender.

When I journeyed shamanically to explore this idea of intimacy, I was shown a small hedgehog (perhaps a porcupine in other countries) snuffling along among the autumn leaves. I was encouraged to lay my hand flat to the ground and wait. Sure enough, the hedgehog moved towards me and walked onto my hand, where I felt the gentle touch of its tiny feet rather than the sharpness of its spines.

There may be many layers of meaning here but, for me, the message was an encouragement to invite in intimacy with gentleness and patience, to extend an open hand towards life through gentle action and intention, and then let those sweet sensual feelings come forward. In those situations where there is no genuine threat, openness and vulnerability allow in the most exquisite of experiences.

In contrast, if we chase after that connection, we could feel the sharpness of those hedgehog spines as it curls up into a self-protecting ball. When we chase after anything, we can come from need, and need is lack. We simply reinforce the current situation and attract more of what we already have, pushing away intimacy in our desperation to find it, triggering more rejection from those who feel the ‘neediness’ in our approach.

So, if intimacy is a natural state, what might keep us out of it? Here are some behaviours and senses that I would suggest are possible barriers:

In terms of practicalities:

  1. Putting needs of others before our own
  2. Always needing a measurable outcome from an activity
  3. Prioritising tasks over presentness
  4. Needing to control the environment
  5. Being over busy.

In terms of feelings:

  1. Sensing fear and danger where there is none.
  2. Insecurities about self, ‘I might be too much for them’ or ‘they won’t respond to my affection’.
  3. Unresolved guilt, shame or self-judgement
  4. Fears of commitment
  5. Putting barriers up to other people and the world
  6. Fear of rejection
  7. Seeing the worst in people

If you have several of these dynamics, be gentle with yourself. It just means that you have experienced difficulties around intimacy, probably during childhood when you were most vulnerable to your environment. Connect with them lovingly, set an intention to surrender gently to more intimacy and thank Spirit for helping you on this path.

With love



Overcoming scarcity consciousness

Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

In my quest to share all the healing keys from the book, here is the second one, under the heading ‘Avoidance and denial’. This is no substitute for the information in the book, but the harmonic and statement have value as a standalone healing tool:

“I acknowledge that I have avoided and denied aspects of my life. I now commit to wellness, to lovingly meet and release all that I have locked away.”

297 663 129 427

If you want to put this all in context, here is the book link: Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

Resonators to support us with electromagnetic smog

Thank you also for your support with my resonators. It excites me to feel this growing number of users adding their energy to the network of love these little vibrational chips support. If you keep buying, I’ll keep making!

Here is a recent testimonial from a client from South Africa:

“Thank you Andrew, the resonators I’ve purchased from you are absolutely effective! I’ve stuck one on my skin (on my arm) for a day and I felt grounded and more centered, even noticed a positive effect on my meditations. I could easily slip into meditation and connect with Source. I dream every night but on the night I had slept with the resonator, I had some profound dreams” Anusha

Today’s theme: Breaking out of scarcity thinking

I must start by saying that I am not speaking here to those in crisis, for whom scarcity is real and perhaps even life threatening. This is for those of us who feel relatively safe and free to fully express ourselves.

I do believe we come from a place of unconditional love and need context, through conditional love, to help us understand and appreciate who we truly are. As part of that context, we are here to explore and transcend our collective sense of scarcity.

If we go back to the original Adam and Eve story, it was the temptation of more – knowledge in this case – that woke them up to the realities of duality, love and shame. In anthropological terms, I suggest this story represents the time when the early homesteaders and hunter gatherers decided that they wanted what their neighbour had. As a species, we stopped living in harmony with our surroundings and became materialistic in nature.

Scarcity is not a reflection of actual monetary wealth, you can be rich and have poverty consciousness or relatively poor and feel abundant. If you are struggling, it is not a direct reference to how you relate to money. Your struggles might simply be a consequence of global, patriarchal greed that has redistributed our natural resources unfairly and the ‘illusion of meritocracy’ that encourages us to see this inequity as warranted.

Of course, scarcity isn’t just about material possessions, it can apply to our sense of free time, love, wisdom, compassion, or fulfillment. Any belief that there is something missing in our lives takes us away from our present moment into a desire for future gratification. For example, ‘when I find my true life path, I will be happy’ or ‘when I retire I will start having fun’… If we do this, we are living in absence, in lack, and creating more of the same.

How do we transcend scarcity?

Should we work harder? Save more? Prioritise our own needs over others? No, these ideas can still have scarcity at their core. The key solution is GRATITUDE.

This is one of the great drivers of true manifestation. If our prayers and visions contain gratitude for all that we already have, then we acknowledge our abundance and we show energetically that we already have enough. Conversely, when we pray for more, to receive, then we are showing the creative energies around us that we are in lack, that we are in ‘want’ in both its meanings.

Prayers of gratitude must come from a valid place though, so find those areas in your life where you do genuinely feel abundant and express gratitude for those, it’s contagious! We cannot manipulate creative energy by our words and prayers if our beliefs and actions are not aligned with those words. If there is misalignment, we will create from that place of confusion and contradiction.

Embodying gratitude

I suggests 3 key steps:

Set your intention – decide that you want to live in abundance at all levels and thank God and Spirit for their support and for the abundance that you already have. Be specific.

Heal the blocks to your abundance. What beliefs did your parents show you and live by? What does society show you? What do you believe around scarcity? You may need support in this, so please find a therapist or use my book to help you.

Take abundant action. That doesn’t mean giving away all your money, but be generous without expectation of reciprocation. Give for the simple joy of giving, not to receive back. Show abundance of time by taking a long bath, calling a friend, having a walk in nature without purpose. Live abundantly at all levels, inhabit your own personal Garden of Eden.

With love


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