A few Quantum K users have asked me why the slide-show focuses more on the release of negative problems than the amplification of positive states.
I believe there is a need for both approaches. My concern with positive affirmations alone is that if the body intelligence or unconscious mind has reason to disagree, the affirmation will be ignored. This is often demonstrated using kinesiology testing; if the client makes a positive statement like ‘ I love myself just the way I am’ the arm muscle will invariable unlock as a register of the discordancy of the statement. It would need constant repetition or the release of the underlying traumas before it is accepted as a truth.
Quantum K attempts to release the negative while reinforcing the positive. The slide wordings release the blocks that hinder our balance and good health, but they are not the main healing mechanism. The primary healing comes from the harmonics and fractal equations. They reinforce the perfection and symmetry of the quantum energy field and the Universe as a whole, establishing a blueprint for us to target. We can only be in perfect health if we resonate in full harmony with these wider influences.
With blessings
Andrew Kemp