Revisiting old wounds

A few more thoughts from my world. Sometimes clients ask me why issues they thought they had cleared years ago need to be treated again and again. I used to explain that past traumas needed to be released gently in stages, or might have layers that required repeated intervention before the memory could become a neutral one. In vibrational terms, there could be many different circumstances and emotions to look at, all with their own frequencies.

I still believe this to be true, but I think we also need to consider the vibration of the person in the present time. We can only heal a past trauma to the limit of a person’s current vibration. If their world is still subject to anger and guilt, they cannot fully release similar emotions that arose in a past situation.

In other words, we may need to consider our issues several times to neutralise them up to our current vibration, but then look at them again later when we have grown sufficiently in a wider sense. If we have anger towards our current partner, we may struggle to fully release older animosity towards a parent or teacher. When we have fully released the negative emotions in our current world, we can truly release them from our past.

This is not to deny the value of each individual step on our healing journey. Every change, however small, takes us to a completely different place and vibration. We should celebrate these staged healings as to simply focus on the destination of being ‘fully healed’ denies us the chance to smell the roses along the way….

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Heal the mind, heal the body

It intrigues me that the more I learn as a therapist, the more I move from complexity towards simplicity. You would think that experience would engender complexity, an ever-growing base of procedures and techniques, but the opposite has happened. I think it is a reflection that truth ultimately is simple.

As part of this journey, I find myself spending less and less attention on the physical body and more on the emotional and spiritual bodies. Quite often, simple imagery and metaphor is all that is needed to trigger a healing response.

As an example, about 80% of the population in the Western world have parasites of some sort. They receive perhaps less attention than they deserve medically because they are hard to detect, but they exist as a large issue nonetheless. We seem particularly prone to amoebic infections which can impede our digestive function and even trigger auto-immune responses around our body. So, how do we deal with them?

For me, we need to reverse the process that led to the physical manifestation, which means ignoring the moment of infection and looking at the spiritual and emotional imbalances that allowed that particular strain of parasite, (or bacteria or virus), to take root.

I see the human being as a triangle of mind, body and soul, kept strong through balance in all three areas. If there is a shocking event or trauma at any time in our life, the mind can be weakened with negative core beliefs the result. These can be stored across the entire body, but may also affect specific organs in line with the Chinese view of health and the 5 element theory.

If the trauma is deep enough, it may cause spiritual shock and soul loss. I believe that the white light of our soul energy can even be affected locally, leading to specific areas of weakness. It is in those areas that parasites will thrive, whether received through exposure or simply manifested out of the quantum energy field.

When working with parasites, bacteria or viruses, I try to find the relevant subtle energy imbalances and then literally lift the client’s vibration out of the range in which the toxin operated. Without energetic support, the unwelcome visitor is weakened and will quickly succumb to the host’s immune function. Better still, if the energetic imbalance remains gone, there is little risk of future infections. It’s that simple.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Kinesiology / dowsing scan lists

These notes represent the concepts I use in my clinic. They were released in January 2010 so represent new areas of thinking that I have explored since the original Quantum K manual was released.

If you are a kinesiologist or a dowser, you should find the scan lists useful to you in your practice or as part of your personal healing journey. For everyone else, you may enjoy exploring the concepts contained in the explanatory notes and using the scan lists in much the same way as the Quantum K manual. If you hold them against your body with intent to heal, you should draw from them whatever healing energy is appropriate for you at that time.

These items are offered at no charge. If you feel you would like to return the energy in some way, there is a local charity in Bristol, called the Dragon Club, that my sister attends and is in desperate need of funding. The link below will take you to a summary page and you can donate any amount you feel is appropriate from there if you wish.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

Scan Lists

Scan Lists Explanatory Notes

‘Why can’t we heal all physical damage?’

A client asked me an interesting question recently – why is it that we can heal emotional and spiritual issues but find it harder to deal with the results of extreme physical trauma, such as broken backs, advanced rheumatoid arthritis or general nerve damage?

It is true that when we work with energy healing, it is much easier to heal issues that exist in an energy form, such as our soul or our emotions. As soon as we move into the physical world, we have to bridge the gap between energy and the matter it created. Can we reverse the process?

This is where the problem lies. I see the creation of physical matter as being the cementing of quantum energy into form through the act of conscious observation and interaction. This matter will always form according to our blueprint and the belief system we impose upon it. A healthy mind generates a healthy body and although we can change the thought, the physical matter has already been created.

There is an excellent article by Richard Merrick in Caduceus magazine issue 78 that explores evolution and the creation of physical form through the structure of harmonics. He asks why evolution has not honoured the competitive advantage someone with 6 fingers might have over someone with 5, He proposes that there is a harmonic template that dictates the basic structure of our form. He suggests that our core structure of carbon 12 is brought into crystalised form through its interaction with the 5 fold icosahedral form of water. This explains the link with fractal geometry and the golden ratio, these two basic concepts literally frame the creation of matter and ‘tramline’ life into only certain variations of form. It also explains our natural affiliation with musical scales and harmonics.

This form is generated within the quantum energy field, which itself has a structure based on a cubic lattice of tiny vortices within which an atom can exist but cannot pass through. Each new atom is railroaded to follow a certain shape (via fractal geometry) within a certain area of space (determined by the lattice within the quantum energy field).

So going back to our original question, what happens when we badly damage our physical body? Our new cells will try to follow the natural trail and structure that our healthy cells used to follow, but it does not happen, why? It must be due to some intrinsic damage in either the carbon 12 form, the damping effect of the water crystals that sit above it, or damage to the structure of space itself.

If I dowse about it, I get that the first two are still in place, the problem is that the structure of the quantum energy field has changed and although the new atoms might like to follow their usual path, it is no longer clear where they are going. The pathway has changed and those atoms are operating without a compass. It is like a knight in chess looking to move 2 up and one along, but having the chess board taken away underneath. To put this another way, I believe that severe physical trauma damages the fabric of space at an interdimensional level and, in layman’s terms, which is all I can offer, the blueprint has been literally blown away into another dimension that the cells cannot access. They are now lost.

Hopefully, there is good news to come. All the enlightened reading I have come across suggests that we are moving spiritually into a world less dependent on the physical form. As we evolve into 4th and possibly 5th dimensional living, we become more like etheric beings with less reliance on our bodies and few physical needs. In this new world, the physical world and our blueprint lie closer together from a vibrational viewpoint and the risk of one being torn away from the other is much reduced. I also suspect that those with physical damage might once again re-unite with their blueprint in a world where our bodies respond almost immediately to our conscious intent. Illness and disease will only be there if we choose to have it. That’s my kind of world.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘Light and Dark’

I am having a lot of fun writing these occasional blogs as they enable me to think through my own views and hopefully challenge you to consider yours. If you fundamentally disagree with what I say, fine.

Having covered the subject of how to protect ourselves from external energies in the last blog, it is worth considering exactly what type of energies we are talking about. We hear a lot about light and dark, good and evil; terms that imply that one is essentially better than the other. This can encourage us to target ‘light’ and hide from or reject energies that might be considered ‘dark’. I have a few issues with this simplistic approach:

1. All energies are part of the Universe, part of the creative whole that makes up our reality.

2. All energies are connected to each other.

3. Light can only be truly understood if it can be experienced in context. It can only be seen if framed in shadow. This is the whole point of the human existence, to live within duality and see how we fare.

4. There is no such thing as true evil – only the absence of light.

5. As shown within the Yin/Yang symbol, all light contains an element of dark and all dark contains an element of light.

The human spiritual journey seems to involve core stages of growth. First of all, we discover for ourselves that living a life of universal love and connection is more likely to bring us the relationships and fulfilment that we desire. Having done that, we then realise that the object of life is also to experience who we are in the context of a flawed world, where light and dark exist together. We start to respect the darker energies around us as they provide the playground in which we operate. Blinkering ourselves to the full extent of our humanity can only lead to frustration.

We also come to welcome rather than reject the dark within ourselves, our humanity as it were. The vagaries of our emotions are an absolute gift and help us understand who we really are. We learn that if we deny our darker emotions we suppress them within our physical bodies and eventually make ourselves ill.

When I think of the darker energies floating around out there, I try to view them as lost children, fearful through their own sense of disconnection from the rest of us. Whether conscious energies or just the accumulation of thoughts, they should be sent love, not fear, for they are just another aspect of us within the bigger picture. To deny them is to deny ourselves.

The only time we are vulnerable is if we fall into fear. Ironically, the very intent to ‘put up protection’ or ‘reject’ these energies reveals the fear in us, the lack of trust and a sense of disconnection from the rest of reality. In other words, by showing fear of the dark, we bring out the dark in ourselves. If we could live in pure love and light, nothing could touch us, but we would also be so enlightened that we would not be living a true human existence. So, pardon me for being flawed, but I’ll continue to ask my guides for protection on the understanding that my real fear is not of the darkness out there but of the darkness it brings out in me. …

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘Energetic Protection’

There are many, many different views on the need for energetic protection. I believe that when I am providing therapy for a client I am working in a sacred and blessed environment and a simple check that I have ‘Divine Protection’ or ‘sacred space’ is enough. I have only ever picked up negative energies from a client once in thousands of treatments and I am sure that was by intent so I could understand and work on my own particular connection with that energy. The biggest risk for us therapists is an attachment to the outcome, a desire to help that is so strong we give over our own energy rather than act as a conduit to the stronger ‘batteries’ around us.

Outside the therapy environment, it is a bit more complicated. I have discussed this subject with therapists from different modalities and countries and have found as many different views as people. These can be summarised into a few main headings:

1. If we live in love and light, we are safe from negative energies and psychic attack, so no specific intent is needed to provide extra protection.

2. We simply need to ask for protection from Source and we will be kept safe.

3. We need to invoke a range of specific protective layers on the understanding that this is a place of free will and all energies have free choice to go where they wish.

So who is right? It is possible that we are all right, and that what we believe is the absolute reality for us. If we think we are protected, then we are. My beliefs are based on the understanding that the quantum energy field around us is awash with all kinds of frequencies, good and bad, so we need to know to what extent they invade our own personal space. We know that we cannot normally ask for Divine healing and expect a miraculous instantaneous healing as that would deny us potential life lessons, so is it any more appropriate to be able to unravel all kinds of energetic invasions without understanding how they work or where they come from? I think not, which is why I tend to err on the cautious side and ask for specific protection from Source through my spiritual guides and helpers.

If we are going to invoke specific protection, we need to make sure it is comprehensive. The issue with the ‘golden overcoat / protective bubble’ approach is that it is based on a 3 dimensional view of our energy field, that we exist on an x, y and z plane and need to put up protection at that level; above , below, behind etc.

In practice, our energy fields are micro versions of the macro world around us. In the wider Universe there are black holes, inter-dimensional portals, wormholes and a host of other realms that defy a simple three dimensional model of existence. It is only a small leap of faith to accept that these more subtle aspects of reality might exist within our own energy field. Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton has written a thought-provoking book called ‘punk science’ proposing exactly that.

If this is true, there is little point visualising simplistic energy barriers if there are a range of inter-dimensional doorways into our energy field. It would be equivalent to installing a triple-bolted front door and then leaving the kitchen window wide open.

If we take this concept further, we must also consider the temporal issue, that we exist concurrently in many different dimensions, all happening in the eternal moment of now. All our past, present and future lives occurring right now. All those learnings and energies wide open continuously. Thankfully, all the love and kindness we have engaged with over our entire soul history is also 100% open to us right now, so we have continual access to this good energy as well as the bad.

This means that, if we want to invoke full protection ourselves rather than hand it over to Source, we must cover all the possibilities. I have seen people vulnerable to interference from future lives, energetic booby traps, blackmail and energy back doors that allow interference to simply ‘appear’ at the other end of the wormhole in our energy field.

At an even more fundamental level, we must also recognise that reality is connected at all levels and that the macro world connects with the micro. External reality knocks on our door from the outside world, but it can also bubble up from inside us at the quantum level. In other words, any energy moving into this dimension can do so from inside us, coming into being at the quantum level of quarks and neutrinos. Are you envisaging protection from energies appearing from within your own DNA?

This can sound a bit scary to those who feel they need to do more than simply rely on their own love to protect them, or for Source to have all the angles covered. For those who feel they need to give specific intent to obtain full protection, the good news is that all of these points are covered by the energy of Quantum K. If you want to invoke full protection based on these principles, you need simply focus your intent on this system and know that your enhanced shield is up. If there are benefits in understanding how we relate to our external world, let’s make sure we cover every possibility….

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘Swine flu – it’s just a resonance’

There is plenty of information available about the medical considerations of this virus and plenty more from conspiracy theorists about how it came into being. If you want to stay up to date with a balanced viewpoint, I suggest you put ‘Dr Mercola’ into your search engine.

The angle I have yet to read about is the energetic, or resonant, implications of this virus. Chapter 6 of the Quantum K manual covers the general theories but we need to look at the resonance of swine flu in particular.

First of all, although it is a virus, at the end of the day it is just a frequency. It has its own sound and, as with any other sound, it can be ‘phase cancelled’ out of existence through energy healing or bio-resonance therapy. What gives it its power is our continual focus on it. A key law of quantum physics is that our consciousness creates our reality, turning waves of potential into physical matter. It is therefore no surprise that the media’s obsession with it is fuelling the virus itself.

Of course, our conscious focus is not the only issue here. Even more relevant is the thought process that goes with it. The frequency of the emotions we associate with it will either strengthen it or weaken it. If we associate it with fear, then we add to its power and its discordancy. If we think of those suffering from it with unconditional love, we destroy it.

Have you considered why a virus mutates? There may be biological reasons for it, but for me mutation is simply the virus’s response to the global reaction. As our fear grows, the resonance we direct towards it allows it also to grow and change. It is simply the combined effects of one wave hitting another. If our fear continues to grow, it will eventually form a concerted frequency throughout the quantum energy field. In the early days, we will need to be exposed to the virus to contract it, but it could reach a level where it can manifest in any place where the fear of it is strong enough. In case you think this is fanciful, let me remind you of the words of a certain Florence Nightingale, made in the days before Pasteur’s germ theory had lobotomized any alternative viewpoint…

“I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.

Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun. I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats. I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.”

So, let us be clear about what this all means. Yes, we do need to maintain hygiene and we do need to take sensible precautions to protect our physical health. BUT, it is even more important to maintain a balanced, confident perspective of it and see it for what it is – just a frequency floating around us. When children make light of it calling it ‘piggy flu’, maybe they know more about managing it than we give them credit for……

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘Imbalance of the Atlas vertebrae’

I have been directed to an important website about the damage caused to about 99% of us by the subluxation of the top vertebrae – the Atlas. This bone supports our skull on the rest of our skeleton and is named after the mythological ‘strong man’ who held up the Earth in a similar fashion. A good website explaining the technical issues is

There are some very interesting stories detailing the mystical history behind what may be an intentional restriction on our true potential. This subluxation is said to restrict our spiritual development as well as our physical health. Whatever the background, my dowsing does validate the importance of this issue and I suggest you look into it yourself.

The imbalance can be corrected by visiting one of a handful of specially trained chiropractors. I also believe that we can make the necessary change energetically, just through our intent. I have increased the potential of the master harmonic 687 955 898 998 to include this new requirement and I believe you can help replace your Atlas in its correct position by simply running the Quantum K programme having read this article.

As with any vibrational increase, there can be repurcussions as you adjust to a higher state of being. If you do have a reaction of any sort, please remember that you will only ever act on instructions that are in your highest interests. Trust the process, trust that if you are reading this it is probably because synchronicity has led you to it.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘An alternative view of 2012’

I am fascinated by the potential of 2012. There is a coming together of opinion from astrologers, astronomers, archaeologists and channellers as well as the writings of the indigenous traditions. We are coming up to a very special time, so what in practice is going to happen?

The key message that unites all writings seems to be the possibility of ascension, or a higher state of enlightenment for those who are ready for it, but also the slightly scary prospect of ‘missing the boat’ for those who do not take advantage of the new energy broadcasting to us all.

It is this later concept that intrigues me. There seems to be two fundamental versions of future events.

1. Cataclysmic change, with polar shifts, flooding and widespread carnage. Only pockets of life will survive through those who choose to move in advance to isolated areas of the planet such as northern Canada.

2. The existence of a second Earth, coming up alongside us. At the winter equinox of 2012, those with a high enough vibration will simply disappear or ‘ascend’ to this new planet, where everyone can live a simpler but more highly evolved life. No wars, violence, disease, pollution etc. Those that miss this opportunity will either stay on the old Earth or move to a new 3rd dimensional planet.

For me, these two versions appear to be partially metaphorical, containing conceptual truths about separation but not giving a fair picture of the actual mechanics through which these big changes will be made. I think simplicity of vision may be at the expense of the detail. I would like to propose a third alternative based on a slightly less dramatic view of events.

This third view is based on the premise proposed by Darryl Anka in the excellent Bashar channelings. He maintains that there is not an old and new Earth, but an infinite number of Earths, each operating at a different vibrational level. In some of the higher levels of these worlds, the lion already ‘lays down with the lamb’ and there is no disease, greed or war. The higher we evolve, the less we see of the lower energies in our unique version of the planet.

The laws of attraction then need to be understood in a different way. Rather than attracting in different versions of events in line with our thoughts and actions, we are simply choosing which version of the world we wish to live in. We will always be in a version that exactly reflects the vibration we emit and the energies and people we attract.

This allows us to look at 2012 in a different way. Perhaps we are simply being given a fast track up the vibrational ladder, a chance to move quickly to a much higher state of resonance.This brings me back to my biggest quandary; if there is going to be a huge separation between those who cling to the old materialism with its 3rd Dimensional values and those who aspire to a more spiritual existence, how will this occur?

Under the ‘infinite version’ model, this is not so difficult to answer. There will not be a sudden split but a gradual separation, which of course is already happening. Over the last few years there seems to be two very distinct roads evolving, and we are all being challenged to choose our path, quite literally.

If you are reading this, the chances are you share many of my values, a gentle life in service, treating your physical body well, perhaps interested in the environment and higher issues. Our lives are already largely distinct from those who seek material wealth in big aggressive businesses, who drink excessively, thrive on combatant sports and exist largely unaware of the world around them.

We already share different worlds, there remains just a 10% overlap, sufficient for us to be able to share the same transport network, but little more. Like two growing cells, there comes a point when they must make that final step and split apart.

The final act of separation could be a very gentle one, perhaps undertaken in stages between now and 2012 when life styles become so disparate that some groups literally cease to be visible to others. The human species will have separated in resonance to such an extent that we can only live with our nearest vibrational neighbours. If we assessed resonance mathematically, perhaps we could only engage with people within 10% of our resonance – someone in the middle would live a life surrounded by those in the 40% to 60% range. In every version of Earth, the population will have fallen gradually, so there will be less poverty and overcrowding.

The attraction of this model is that there doesn’t have to be success and failure in terms of reaching the new ascended Earth, as there are many layers in between. There will still be death in the usual sense, where we choose to return to spiritual form, but any deaths reported as part of the 2012 process will be illusory. There might be the perception of floods, diseases or catastrophes to cause the final act of separation and fall in population, but no-one would actually die in their own world during this process.

A death would not be death in the normal understanding of the word, it would simply be the Universe’s way of separating people into worlds that no longer shared any overlap at all, even if they had only separated by a whisker. Someone ‘dying’ in my world would nonetheless wake up the next morning as usual, oblivious to this separation from one tiny part of their previous life.

As a final thought on the subject, if there are a myriad of worlds there will be a myriad of national newspapers, each telling a different story. As I continue to read of the deaths in Afghanistan, the starving in Africa, car crash victims in my neighbourhood, is this part of the process? Will someone else out there soon read of my death, at the same time as I read of theirs…………?

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

‘Quantum K concert’

I’m getting very excited about the healing concert we are staging on the 23rd June 2009 in Solihull, Birmingham, UK. This is the first opportunity for the musical composers to join myself in a live environment to bring in the energy of the Quantum K system. We will be using music, visualisations and symbols to create the healing environment. With the solstace energy still resonating around us, it should be a very special evening.

Anyone can come, but for the majority who can’t make it, there will be a chance to share in the energy of the event. It will lay a marker in the quantum energy field, which I will include within the energy of the master harmonic 687 955 898 998 from thereon. So, if you play the screen-flow or use the manual with intent after the event, you should be able to feel its specific energy if it varies from the existing resonance. However many events we do in the future, the Solihull experience will be a unique occasion.

With blessings

Andrew Kemp

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