‘All the World’s a stage – Act III’

‘Heal your Past, Free your Future’ – book progress

I’m very excited that my new book is through the editing stage and should be ready in a few weeks, in time for Christmas. I hope it will have something of interest for anyone on a spiritual or healing journey. I will let you know when orders can be made.

The global variety show

It is time for me to reveal the final act in the global variety show being ‘performed’ by the power centres that sit above us. I have already covered the magician’s slight of hand to redirect our attention from what really matters and the hypnotist’s capacity to alter our perception through fear and trauma.

As before, I am presenting the central inspiration as a dialogue between myself and my shaman guide:

(Me) – ‘Hello again. It is time for the final reveal, who is the 3rd act in the global variety show?’

‘The final act in this show is that of ………… the fool. In modern terms, this is the comedian, but traditionally the fool, or jester, has filled an important role for a monarch or ruler by parodying them and their decisions. In doing so, they give the person in power a context that perhaps the courtiers and other supporters would not feel brave enough to offer.’

‘Is that not a good thing? If our leaders are being offered alternative opinions and perspectives, that would surely help them govern with more empathy?’

The issue with the current global position is that the role of the fool has been used by the people in power to point outwards, not inwards. Rather than being open to suggestion and critique, the powerful are directing blame onto anyone who does not follow the pervading mantra of the time. This version of the fool can accuse and vilify any objectors or alternative thinkers and deem them a danger to society’.

‘How is the energy of this looking right now, can the fool be persuaded to look inwards again, at the decision makers?’

That is up to you all. There is a growing pressure for this energy to be turned back inwards towards the central powers, just as it used to be with the mediaeval court jesters. You may well start to see critique of the directed path coming from respected influencers outside the central power bases, so the scientists, politicians, researchers, doctors and journalists who have truly independent voices’.

Has this already started?’

‘Yes. The stage you are in now is the unravelling of the status quo, where the dogma of the day begins to be seen in all its distortions, bias and vested interests. This can be the beginning of a new world of fairness, equality, and transparency as part of the pachacuti, the ‘great turning’, as prophesied in most indigenous teachings’.

‘What signs of change should we look out for?’

Right now, look for signs of the existing power bases coming under pressure, for a growing sense in the public consciousness that all is not as it seems. Once that has happened, the people will look for alternative voices of truth, and the quiet wise ones will emerge from their censored shadows. They will not need to shout about the new ways that are possible, people will be ready to listen, that is the only way it will work’.

‘I can see how humanity is being offered a fundamental choice between centralised power, medical intervention and technology on one hand and respect for smaller communities, the Earth and the natural healing power of our bodies on the other.

‘Yes, it is a time for fundamental decisions about the future direction of humanity. If community is to be the way ahead, it must be chosen by you as individuals. It is that fundamental alignment of like-minded consciousness and intention that will dismantle the current power dynamics.

If you have doubts about how this could happen, remember that centralised power is fundamentally weak, and relies on constant repetition of its fear triggering dogma to survive.

In contrast, community is inherently strong, like a bee hive. It is a natural state, one of support, love, respect and truth, of knowing your individual power but also your place in a bigger picture. It is aligned with Spirit and the creative energy of the Universe itself and when you are aligned in this way, you are in flow with all that is. Trust in that power. You may sometimes feel marginalised and alone, but the truth is anything but – when you stand up for love, truth, equality and respect you are part of the biggest force there is, creation itself’. 

‘Thank you’.

With love



‘All the world’s a stage’ – Act II

Book release

There is some great editing happening now, my plan is to have the book printed in time for Christmas with a special offer to encourage you to buy one for yourself and one for a loved one. All will be revealed soon.

Global dynamics

In my last newsletter I dialogued with my shaman guide about the metaphorical ‘variety show’ that represents how the current global powers relate to us all. I explored the first act, the stage magician, and how it represents the need to distract us with ever changing targets for our collective fear, while the real agenda plays out somewhere else.

These times are part of the prophesied ‘pachacuti’ as the Peruvian shaman and the wise elders describe it, the turning of the world so it is the right way up again, where we all return to balance at the dawn of a new age. This isn’t just about redressing the centralisation of power and wealth, it is about the way each of us experiences life and the relationship we have with mother earth, our health and each other. Please explore this link if you want to read more: Joanna Macy

To see this change as just about politics and economics is another way of giving away our power of change to something or someone else. I believe we have to return to holding our power within smaller communities that are built upon harmony and respect.

I have presented this newsletter as a dialogue between myself and my shaman guide, but this is still an opinion piece so please take from it what you will and, as always, maintain your own discernment. If you like what you read, please do share a link and encourage friends and loved ones to sign-up for future newsletters:

(Me): ‘Thank you again for last month’s inspirations. I am intrigued to know what type of performer represents the next act in this global variety show’.

‘I will tell you; it is the stage hypnotist. This is a very skilled performer who knows how to alter your perception of reality, so creating a new sense of what is normal for you’

‘OK, I’m with you, but how is this relevant to us all?’

‘People are traditionally hypnotised through relaxation, but it is also possible to be taken into an altered mental state through fear and trauma, which is the mechanism being exploited today’.

‘Can you give me an example?’

‘If I had said to you two years ago that your right to hug in the UK would be determined by the Government and that you would need a health passport to be allowed into a club to dance, you would never have believed me. And yet here you are.

I’m not in any way minimising the situation, just highlighting that your loss of decision making responsibility as individual citizens has happened in the blink of an eye. What people accept today could be just the tip of the iceberg. It could all seem rational and normal as the hallmarks of freedom of movement, expression and way of life are taken away.

If it does happen, people will likely deny that it has been done to them because they will feel that they requested it and leaders and large corporations simply implemented the public will.’

‘Are all these new rules part of this strategic restricting of our autonomy?’

‘No, many are very sensible, they would not be received in established democracies if they were all autocratic. The issues arise when necessary rules start to be applied in less serious situations and when other restrictions are piggy backed on the legislation or rulings’.

‘Are we all hypnotised?’

‘To some extent, yes, you all have your blind spots where you have learned to tolerate as normal something that should be challenged. That said, a growing percentage of people do see through the hypnotist’s tricks. Only a small proportion need to lead the way and call out what they see. As soon as something is seen and named, it loses its power.

‘What can we do to break out of our trances today?’

‘I recommend you feel into every situation through the heart, asking if what you see is loving, truthful and necessary.

As a way of living, it is the consistent acts of kindness and community that are leading to positive change and acting as an antidote to the fear and judgement encouraged by central sources. People are finding that community and compassion are cornerstones of humanity. You may have fallen into a sleepy haze of hypnotic trance but you are now starting to wake up and see what really matters, that life is not about Government dictates or the latest mobile phone, it’s about honouring each other and this beautiful planet we all share.’

‘The signs are good then?’

‘Yes, they are. This is a prophesied time that has been held for centuries in a collective vision for humanity. That doesn’t mean that higher levels of consciousness will come easily, but the opportunity is there for people led coalitions to bring about fundamental change.’

‘Thank you for your insights. Is that the end of the variety show?’

‘No. there is one final performer I want to discuss next time’

‘OK, I look forward to discovering who that might be’.

With love



‘All the world’s a stage’

Welcome to my June newsletter. This is the English version, but there are translations on the website.

Group healing

I have received some wonderful feedback from users who have taken part and I plan to upload a few testimonials shortly. Please do consider joining us if you haven’t already done so, simply use the link above and find the group healing tab.

A view from spirit…

The style of my last newsletter seemed to be particularly well received, so I will maintain that format here. If you like it, please do circulate it within your friendship groups and encourage them to sign up directly for future newsletters on either of my websites.

Following on from last month, I have journeyed again to meet my shaman guide who supports me from the spiritual realms. This is a dialogue loosely based on the images I was shown there and my subsequent dowsing. I do feel it is ‘inspired’ from Spirit but these are my words so, as with anything channelled or similar, please maintain your discernment but I hope it helps stimulate discussion, lateral thinking and action.

(Me) – Thank you for receiving me again, is there anything you would like to reveal to the audience for this month?

‘Yes. First of all, the term ‘audience’ is relevant here. Remember the famous quote from Shakespeare: ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’. This has never been more true, you may feel that you are watching global events unfold around you but you are all deeply involved, all part of the production’.

‘What kind of production is it?’

‘I would describe it as a variety show; the Governments and large corporations are the acts while the people participate in the audience’.

‘Seriously, variety? O.K. Tell me about the first act…’

‘The first act is the stage magician. This performer is adept at misdirection, getting you to believe that the thing you are looking at is central to the illusion, when in fact the real trick is taking place somewhere else. They focus your attention on dramatic hand movements while the magician’s assistant is making the necessary change quietly around the back’.

‘I think I know where you are going with this. Our attention is being focused on the coronavirus, who is getting vaccinated, whether we have reached herd immunity, whether new variants are more contagious etc, while the real issue is the creeping loss of freedom of expression and the centralisation of wealth and power that is happening in the background’.

‘It is true that, as with any magic act, if you look in the right direction, you can see through the trick. It is no longer mesmerising, the magician carries no power’.

‘…and presumably that is why magicians keep their acts busy with lots of movement so our attention can’t land on the main area of misdirection, just like in the world today’.

‘Absolutely, the misdirection needs to draw your full attention and the best way to get that in your world is of course FEAR. The stage magician needs your curiosity, but in real life that is not enough. Global powers need you to be in fear and judgement, kept fresh so that you remain compliant and follow all the rules imposed to manage the situation without question. If the target of your fear remains too static, you will see through it eventually and the misdirection will be over.’

‘I can think of many examples of fear based misdirection from my own perspective in the UK. It feels like we have been drip fed a series of enemies to fear, one after the other to keep our fears fresh. That makes sense to me, but how do I know if what I see is misdirection or a genuine issue to look at?’

‘You will always need to maintain discernment but, fundamentally, if the media or government is putting the blame upon a small section of society, often those least powerful and able to defend themselves, then it is likely to be misdirection. If the issue is about inequality, corporate greed, centralisation of power, loss of personal rights or environmental concerns, then there is likely to be a genuine underlying problem.

‘I’m with you, but how does spotting the misdirection actually help?’

‘First of all, if you know you are being ‘played’, you will learn to control the fear that was being stoked up within you and directed outwards towards other people. If you can transcend this fear and the judgement it evokes, the mists will clear from your eyes and you will see where the real issues lie.

You will see where Governments are trying to pass legislation when you are looking elsewhere, or when you have been persuaded that the proposed restrictions in your personal power and freedoms are somehow in your best interests.

Likewise, science is not a font of absolute truth. The big institutions are full of vested interests and bias; when you are present enough to look for wider, less official views, you will find other perspectives that can add value. Remember also that the scientific ‘facts’ of today are often disproved by the science of tomorrow.

Fundamentally, when you all as individuals choose to see and expose these agendas for what they are, the hidden power structures will collapse. It is not even difficult, it is inevitable’.

‘Is it happening now in the world?’

‘Yes, in recent years it took what you called ‘whistleblowers’ to bring these corruptions and inequalities to light, but now the information is starting to appear through the work of those who are prepared to look behind the officially created headlines’.

Yes, even as I write this, I see that origins of the coronavirus are being discussed more openly and the initial emphatic scientific view of transfer across species is now being seriously questioned.

‘Yes, that is an example, but there are hundreds more. Keep looking. Try to see what is being revealed and who is doing it. It is an example of the power starting to drop down to the people. Above all else, remember to stay heart centred. If you drop into the ‘I told you so’ mentality when information is revised then you are still trapped in duality thinking.’

‘Thank you, can you summarise this first global ‘stage act’ in a final piece of advice please?

‘Yes, stop looking at the magicians hands!’

With love to you all

Andrew Kempleton

Holding the Vision

Coming soon – ‘Heal your past, free your future’

Just to whet your appetite, here is a teaser from my new book, due out soon, ‘Heal your past, Free Your Future’. Chapter 2 is all about the 5 elements of the healing process – 5 dynamics that I believe must be explored if an issue or symptom is to be fully resolved. The first one is: “setting a clear and specific intention”, but can you guess the other 4? All will be revealed in due course.

Group healing

I am re-launching the existing offering with a new weekly service called group healing. Every Wednesday at 8pm I will be hosting a remote healing session using the principles of the Quantum K system to provide the healing impetus. I will hold space for anyone who registers, using any personal goals and intentions emailed through to me. For further details, please see the Group Healing tab on the Quantum K website.

Group healing

Staying authentic

I’m feeling in my client sessions that the pressure of relentless heavy news is starting to wear people down. Confidence in the vision of positive global change is being eroded by a continual stream of media releases around new restrictions to our freedom, new attacks on our right to self-determine and more centralisation of power and wealth. As legislation limiting our rights to protest progresses in both the US and Britain, the light at the end of the tunnel might seem to be dimming; but is it?

As usual, I want to give a perspective from Spirit, from a place that sees the energy patterns of these huge global events. When I journeyed to the Underworld to meet the light being Huascar, I was given some information that I will express loosely in a dialogue, with the response from Spirit shown in italics.

(Me) “So it looks to me like the old power systems have fundamentally revealed their intentions now – it appears that they are looking for more centralised power, restricted media coverage, medicalised health rather than naturopathic well-being and limits on freedom of movement and choice. Is that a fair summary?”

“Yes,there is no need to look for conspiracies, it’s all out in the open. If this was a game of poker, then they have shown their cards.”

“OK, if you want to use a card analogy, is it a strong hand?”

“In symbolic terms, it is the equivalent of three jacks, so there is some strength there, represented by the alignment of the shadow masculine, the low ranking male cards.

“What does the hand of us, the people, look like?”

“It is the ace, two, three, four and five of hearts – so significantly more powerful, the hearts representing the underpin of love and the sequential run of cards showing the power of alignment. These are not high cards individually but together they are strong.”

“So, is that it then, the power of individuals, working together in love, will win the day?”

“It’s not guaranteed. In a card game, it is always possible to fold, to have the stronger hand and choose not to play it. This is what is happening to some extent now. Some individuals, which is where the true power lies, are choosing to give away that power through compliance and inaction. To play this winning hand, people must be authentic to their values and refuse to bow to central or community pressures. It doesn’t mean breaking the law, authentic action and living is entirely possible within the framework of what is currently legal.”

“So, we could have the best hand and still lose?”

“It is possible but highly unlikely. The power of peaceful, loving, authentic living is so much more powerful than that or force, greed and control that only a small proportion of the people have to be in their power to change the collective experience”.

“What proportion is enough?”

“About 20%”

“Is that all? Just 20% of people to stay in their authentic power and that will be enough to change the collective experience of us all?”

“Yes, you each have a powerful hand to play, you just need to play it! The more people who stay centred in love and community, the easier and quicker will be the change, but only a small minority have to be in this state to ensure overall success. You don’t even have to live in that level of loving power all the time, just be in it more than you are not.”

“And, finally, can you tell me what that percentage looks like right now across the world?”

“It is not a time for complacency, but humanity is currently at just over twice that minimum level required. Each of you must ask yourself whether you are in the 20% or not. If not, consider doing more to live in your loving truth, however that might manifest for each of you as unique individuals.”

Support for this path of love

In a separate journey, I was offered 4 means to help us stay strong and in our loving power. Feel free to call on these, you only need to set the intention to engage with these energetic gifts and they will be yours:

Stay grounded. Imagine a strong silver cord going into the heart of Gaia, feel her hold you steady in these difficult times, taking your fears from you through this cord and passing back up her unconditional love and support.

See yourself surrounded by reflective mirrors, designed to support you in the presence of external judgement and opinion. If you receive criticism, let the mirrors bounce that energy down into the earth for composting.

Allow this harmonic to empower you: 226 117 483 888

At a practical level, this is a good time to increase your intake of raw food. This will help you stay even more deeply connected to the Earth and to receive her bounty undamaged by cooking or processing.

With love and blessings


Who is coronavirus?

Book release

My second book ‘Heal your past, free your future’ is now written and on its way to editing. I’ll let you know when it is available for pre-ordering. I am very excited to have finished this creative phase that encompasses so much of what I have learned in 20 years as a therapist. It is a mixture of theoretical explanation and 12 practical healing keys. I hope you will enjoy reading and working with it as much as I have enjoyed creating it.

Who is coronavirus?

As a shamanic practitioner, I believe that everything is alive and sacred, from humans down to the smallest grain of sand on the beach. This also applies to the viruses around and within us, they are sacred and part of the natural state of order in the world.

This begs the question – who or what is covid-19? I’m not interested in where the virus came from, whether street market or laboratory, but I do want to know who it is, what dynamics brought it into existence?

Fundamentally, I believe it is a reflection of our collective consciousness at this time. When I journeyed shamanically to meet the virus, I found it as an expression of the shadow side of humanity, of our collective physical and emotional toxicity. Just as with our bodies, if the overall system is out of balance, the accumulated toxicity has to be expressed somehow, in this instance through a virus.

This is not to say that those worst affected by covid-19 are being judged by the infection in any way; it was created by the collective human experience and, much like life in general on this plane of existence, those that do most damage are rarely at the front end of the consequences. The West has led the pollution of the world and the grab for material gain, but other nations are the ones who suffer most.

Nature follows the line of least resistance, so if flooding is needed, the low lying land masses are flooded first. If a pandemic emerges, the elderly, vulnerable and oppressed are affected first. It’s not fair, but it’s how life works when we fundamentally have free will over our own lives and the planet around us.

I also saw this species level imbalance as a self-feeding ‘drama triangle’ of victims, perpetrators and rescuers. This is not just the nature of covid-19 itself, it is also the nature of our global response to it. Instead of looking for greater individual responsibility for our health and well being, governments and scientists have vilified the virus as the ‘perpetrator’, much like we do any disease, and us as ‘victims’ that need to be ‘rescued’ by a variety of centrally orchestrated measures, including vaccination and social distancing.

There is virtually no power credited to us as individuals, or emphasis on the importance of each one of us doing whatever we can to protect our own immune functions through good nutrition, exercise and emotional well-being. If anything, the central powers have gone out of their way to weaken our personal power through the propaganda of fear, with the only solutions being proposed by Government.

The final sense I have here from my shamanic journeying is that we will all have to explore our relationship to what the virus represents. It is the challenge of this time for each of us to be the hero of our own story and confront our deepest fears and our individual relationship to greed, oppression and injustice, if we so choose. We could meet it through exposure to the virus, through the vaccination, which incidentally I believe contains enough of the genetic code to carry the sacred consciousness of the virus itself, or through our own personal meditation or healing practice. This meeting will be played out at all levels, the physical through the expression of our immune systems and antibodies, the emotional through our relationship to centralised power and fear and the spiritual through our willingness to live led by our souls with power and integrity.

I do believe the virus is a teacher for all humanity. It can hardly be a co-incidence that it has appeared as we begin the Aquarian age. It challenges us to peer deep into the shadows of the world structures we have collectively created and choose something different. This is the light at the end of the tunnel, the light that shines ahead of us and beckons us into a new way of being.

It is time for change, I wish us all well with the journey.

With blessings



The time is now

You may remember the concept of the ‘in breath’ and the ‘out breath’ from my May newsletter – where I suggested that both action and space holding were essential as the coronavirus pandemic continued though our world. My sense then was that front line workers were the out breath for our societies in that initial phase of pandemic response while those who couldn’t respond in such an active way would hold a quiet space of vision and support in the background.

The newsletter spoke of a change where those in the quiet seclusion of their personal experiences and healing journeys would need to emerge and stand strong in shared values that would hold the new world energies as they started to manifest. There would be overlap, we could still honour our internal journey as we look outward, and visa versa, but the primary focus would shift.

I feel that this time has arrived and that, from the 21st December 2020 solstice, the out breath moves into a new gear. Here’s why:

1. The solstice is a natural marking point where the darkness starts to recede and the light emerges. It is traditionally a time when our inward focus changes as we start to look into what lies outside of ourselves. It is a natural turning point.

2.  Astrologically, this time is clearly recognised. Astrologer Chani Nicholas’ discusses in her Website how this solstice is particularly important and marks a special transition beyond what we would expect to see within the cycle of a normal year. In her words: “The astrology of 2021 is radical. Set to innovate our most outdated structures, the revolutions that want to be embodied by us will span the entirety of our world; from the personal to the political we are ready for a systems update. The structures of our inner and outer world that are the most rigid, seemingly solid, and traditionally held as the standard or the norm, will be tried, tested, and reconfigured by an urgent call for change”.

3. I have just started to notice a shift in the sacred sites of our land. I live in the west country of England and I have found myself connecting to ancient sites where historically there have been ceremony, spiritual practices, and power struggles. Glastonbury is an example of this, but there are other places of ceremony in this area, much less known, whose custodians are tuned into the new energy.  I have connected with places and people around Glastonbury recently that are changing with the arrival of conscious custodians and a shift towards a new energy. They are small, inconspicuous in many ways, but are part of the fractal group of what I believe are just under 100 sacred sites that are holding the new energy in this land. Each offers an exponential increase in the energy of the collective whole.  This is likely to be a worldwide shift where people are starting to create positive change and thus shift the resonance of the planet.

The world is in desperate need for this new direction. This is a watershed moment where grass-roots effort is needed to disrupt the move towards censorship, lack of true support for the vulnerable, centralisation of power and the loss of freedom. When I tune into the essence of this new energy, I get that it can be defined by a single word – community. This essence requires equality, respect, connection, shared decision making and a loving relationship with nature.

This is the world I dream of. It will not be created through the efforts of one or two heroes stepping into positions of visibility and power but from the collective momentum of us all, where we each live aligned with the core values that bring us together rather than apart. This is the nature of fractal geometry; we each hold a small part of the overall picture and, in doing so, collective change becomes inevitable.

And it’s already starting. If you want an example of how the old energy is crumbling, you need look no further than Brexit which is based on separation and division and has struggled from its first conceptual days to bring any sense of flow or grounding. It is awash with the old energy of self-protection and isolation. As I write this, experts suggest there may even be ‘no deal’, that after a year of hard negotiations, there is no alignment in the separation. A push to break away from the essence of agreed values is incongruous with the energy of community and will struggle, if not fail completely.

A call to action

So, my invitation to you is to explore two questions:1. What does community mean to me?

2. How can I bring it about in my world?

Every little change we make in this direction moves the collective experience forward in alignment. There is no wasted effort. EVERYTHING COUNTS NOW.

With love


Lines in the sand

I would like to share my latest feelings around the wider global picture. These are the most significant times I have come across in my life so please bear with me if I write more than usual.

I notice that we have committed to the lock-down as part of a common goal to defeat this shared enemy, but now we are drifting back out into some partial version of our old lives, while still holding onto many of the limitations. Where is our VE or VJ day? Where is our moment to dance around the streets in celebration of battle won? We need this as a species, we are used to challenge but also to know when it is over, to mark the transition in some overt way. The absence of this is unsettling to our limbic brains and I feel and see a deep sense of loss about all the freedoms we no longer have along with fear about what the future might hold. There is a collective grief about the nature of the world we now live in.

Any sense of confusion, fear or grief must be honoured, but it is important to hold the vision of the opportunity that comes out of these times. We are at a watershed moment in our history when we can either continue to repeat the pattens of our past or choose to respond differently, with love, compassion, and a true sense of community and social justice.

If you have seen the film ‘sliding doors,’ you will remember that there was a point in time when the future diverged into two very different paths. We are at that point now. This is how I see the two paths, the first being the shadow path where we carry on as before with existing structural powers continuing to eat away at our personal liberties. The second path is one of love, compassion and equality:

Path 1 – Carry on as before…..

If we look at history for guidance, along with the dictatorships around the world today, there are several warning signs that signal the beginning of loss of personal liberty and true democracy in favour of greater state control. For me, I see a process unfolding that will work through 13 stages unless we intervene. These stages are:

Stage 1 – The problem

  1. The creation of a common enemy. For now, this is the virus itself, but it could soon become a more identifiable subset of our community, perhaps the late night ravers, the ‘anti-vaxers’, the protestors, the conspiracy theorists, Black, Indigenous, People Of Colour, or those living in poverty.
  2. ‘Were all in it together’ broadcast whereas in fact gross injustice exists in society and racism and poverty mean that many groups of people are affected worse than others.
  3. The loss of free speech. Superficially, freedom of speech is maintained, but government sponsored media follow the party line and major dissenting comments are removed from public forums and social media. No other alternatives are presented. Dissenters are villified as risking the health of the vulnerable and a general level of public support is attained through the lack of alternatives being presented.
  4. Restriction of movement,
  5. Restriction of public gathering and the right to protest
  6. Monitoring of movement through tracing technology and logs taken by establishments we visit
  7. Marshalls on the street to enforce these rules
  8. Public asked to report neighbours who break the rules

Stage 2 – The solution

  1. State led solution proposed – by isolation, testing, tracking, vaccines, drugs etc
  2. Legislation adopted to sanction this solution with exemption of liability for anyone applying it
  3. Sanctions – Restrictions and punishment on those who do not follow the proposals. Potential for mandatory implementing of drugs or vaccines deemed safe and effective.
  4. Acceptable levels of collateral loss agreed. Some may be harmed or killed by the solution, but it’s deemed acceptable against the perceived benefits. This is the same belief system that accepts the sacrifice of lives in wartime for the ‘greater good’.

Stage 3 – Setting a template for the future.

  1. Widening the brief – the final move is the cementing of these restrictions and solutions into law so they are available for any future situation that could be deemed a similar threat, whether through disease, environmental issues or terrorism.

This process is not fantastical, it is deeply embedded in our history and our present world. It is happening right now.

For example, there is proposed legislation in the UK out for public consultation planning to give the state increasing powers to market any solution, especially a vaccine, that it proposes, and for any party involved in that process to be free of all liability for its consequences. If you have read anything about the vaccine in development, you will know that a coronavirus vaccine has been the Holy Grail of scientists for many years and nothing that is both safe and effective has been found. A rushed development of a vaccine for Covid-19 could present risks to us all that we have never seen before. It is bound to be a gamble with our nation’s health. Whether that risk is worthwhile or not is up to you to decide. Either way, public consultation in the UK finishes this Friday 18th September, so please do respond using the link below. Whatever your opinion, we must all exercise our democratic right and express it or the Government will feel able to sneak this through into legislation claiming that there was little public interest or opposition. Here is the link:

UK Government consultation response

Path 2 – Love, compassion and equality

We cannot integrate a new level of consciousness while the old pillars of privilege and inequality remain in place; the old has to be replaced, not built upon or upgraded in some way. I am optimistic that our collective consciousness is expanding all the time into greater levels of compassion and love. There is a long way to go, but I hope and pray that we will emerge out of this crisis with the determination to create a new society based on an intrinsic value of community and the planet, where equality, fairness and individual freedom of choice are cornerstones of our world. If that is to happen, we must honour our core values and take action where they are breached. We must hold a clear vision of the world we desire, write it down if that helps, and then every day ask ourselves two questions:

  1. What is happening that goes against my core values and what can I do about it?
  2. What can I do today to live aligned with what I do desire?

Although I have suggested that this is a time to watch closely and not jump in too quick with new structures, there are certain events happening now that must be met. Are you doing your anti-racism work? Are you critically analysing Government legislation that restricts your freedom of choice? Are you supporting environmental causes and changing your habits to minimise your footprint? Are you supporting the disadvantaged?

We all need to know where our lines in the sand are and take action when they are crossed. Our collective choice now is to step up to the challenges of this moment in history and create what we dream of, or sleep walk into somebody else’s nightmare.

With love



Here is my latest take on global dynamics.

I don’t have a particular name for what is happening around the world to humanity. I have heard it called an ascension process, a shift to 5th dimensional consciousness, the beginning of the age of Aquarius or the time of the great turning. Whatever the terminology, it does feel to me that we are very much in it. 

That begs the question ‘what is my role here?’ I talked about the ‘in breath’ and the ‘out breath’ in an earlier newsletter, I want to expand on that a little now with a different perspective. 

But first, I must acknowledge that to be able to explore these spiritual issues requires a high degree of privilege. There are so many people around the world struggling to get by from day to day, living in a mixture of challenges – danger, poverty, ill health etc. I am aware that this kind of discussion can feel a bit disrespectful, so I write this with humility in mind and with gratitude for my privilege to be able to do this kind of work. 

Getting back to the main point, my sense is that we are in a time of necessary chaos. Chaos is an interesting term because it implies an unstructured process, but actually it is a necessary and highly orchestrated aspect of our global changes. We see chaos in nature through forest fires, hurricanes, storms and other weather extremes. However difficult it is for those of us affected by them, this is what nature does. These processes are essential to our planet staying in balance. They are the mechanisms of change, the death of the old and the birth of the new. Destruction, unpredictability and chaos are all inevitable aspects of our planetary life cycle.

In that context, humanity is in this state of flux and the deep change we are going through requires us to be unsettled, unsure, out of balance even, if we are to ride with this energy. If I dowse about this, I get that we should ideally only be 25% ‘landed’ at the moment. Being in this state of flux allows us to ride with these winds of change and remain open to the new energies that are coming in.

I would ask you to enquire inwards and ask how settled you are right now, how sure you are of your future and how comfortable you feel with the world as it is. If you do feel largely balanced about your world and clear about your role within it, then I would suggest you may have jumped ship early and could miss out on some of the potential of this new age in our history.

Speaking personally, I dowse that I am just over 30% landed. Parts of my life are in flux, but nonetheless I have anchored some aspects that should ideally still be up in the air, open to fresh scrutiny. In other words, I have played a bit safe and am likely to miss out on a little of the gold that is being offered to us at this time of new potential. I’ll have to tune into that for myself, perhaps you could do the same for your own life. Ask yourself these questions as a starter:

– Where am I playing safe?

– Where am I recreating my old life out of habit or fear?

– Where is my passion unfulfilled?

– How could I be deeper in service?

– What am I ready to let go of in my life?  

– How can I live in better balance with the planet and leave a smaller footprint?

I’m not feeling that this is the best time to make major changes or commitments, but it is a time to follow our hearts, day by day, and see the directions in which we are drawn. Some will be old, some will be new. This is a chance to explore the essence of our dreams, the kind of areas where we are passionate, where we could have more fun, show more compassion and be in deeper service to our planet. When the time is right, we can make lasting commitments in these areas, but for now, I feel the need for fluidity and flexibility, to allow the global changes to land a bit more before we integrate them in a more structured way into our lives.   

I hope these reflections help you with your own process and that you find that unique gift you bring to this moment in history.

With blessings


PS – For those who see me as a kinesiologist, I remain committed to resuming face to face meetings from the 1st September. I need to find an appropriate centre to host my practice now that Cherry Orchards has closed, so please look out for a separate update, or log onto my www.www.kempkinesiology.co.uk website for the latest details.


Where do we go from here?

The ‘in breath’ and the ‘out breath’

I want to briefly share my latest sense around the collective experience we are having.

I have chosen this title because it feels to me as if those in service at the moment are doing so in two very different ways. There are two distinct categories but we are free to belong to both.

The out breath – these are the people, or the parts of us, in clear and present physical service; on the front line of the medical system, delivering prescriptions and food parcels, looking after vulnerable neighbours etc. The motivation may come from a sense of community and connection or from any number of internal drivers, and it is helping to meet the tangible needs of our time. This place may also hold fear and the desire to solve the pandemic problem at this physical level, to see it as an adversary, an ‘invisible mugger’ as described by the UK Prime Minister.

The in breath –   I am also very aware of another part of us, the part that is looking for meaning and potential out of this time, that is holding a vision for the healed Earth and what humanity could look like once this first, more tangible, phase of the pandemic has passed. How has the planet responded to the lack of pollution? Can we maintain this greater sense of community? How can we consume less? Can we bring more peace and reflective time into our lives? How do we better support the most vulnerable? How can turning the world the upside down make it the right way up? This part of us is currently holding space in the quietness of our physical isolation, anchoring the experience for those who are lost to fear or the negative interpretations of the media. This part of us are deeply feeling into our wounds, cleaning up our personal rivers, ready for the time when we will be called into action. 

In due course, I can see the roles swopping, the part of us occupying the first response position will find that role is less of a priority and the part sitting quietly in the wings will step forward into action. The ‘out breathers’ will rest and the ‘in breathers’ will step up. There may be restrictive legislation to repeal, minority and vulnerable groups needing support and a need for a public debate on what a healed society should look like. It will be the time of the dreamers, the vision holders. There is value in all loving responses to this moment in history, but the lasting benefits will come from those who demand a fairer society, a better relationship with our neighbourhood and our planet. Will you be part of this? What are you prepared to do to ensure we do not slip silently and blindly back into our negative old habits? What are you prepared to risk in order to help create the world of your dreams?

Finally, a friend of mine, Richard Vinson, is celebrating a landmark birthday today – 70 years on Planet Earth. Richard is a gifted musican and has shared his own composition on Youtube today – ‘Is there anybody out there?’ It is a beautiful creation, with a heart warming melody and true poetry in the lyrics. Please do follow the link and enjoy this celebratory creation, it really feels like part of the new energy coming….

Is there anybody out there?

Beyond the mainstream

Finding meaning

I want to share a perspective with you about the current global dynamic, my view as a shamanic practitioner.

There has been much written about the Coronavirus from a physical perspective, and in my previous newsletter on this website I outlined actions and supplements that could help from a naturopathic viewpoint. This newsletter explores more spiritual aspects and what this means to our development as a species. This is my understanding of the opportunity that is currently presenting itself to us:

When white men arrived in Peru in the 16th Century, they brought with them disease, suffering and the colonial mindset that looks to decimate and destroy indigenous people to obtain more power and resource. However, amongst the chaos and bloodshed, the Laika shaman knew that to preserve the wisdom of their teachings their only option was to leave loved ones behind and travel high up into the Andean mountains. So this they did. In 1949, after 500 years preserving the essence of their tradition, the ancestors of those original shaman came down to share their prophesy of the ‘great turning’. In an act of incredible love and forgiveness, they came to share it with those very people who had caused them unimaginable harm, the West, so that we could start to heal our relationship with ourselves and our Mother Earth. This was the point in time when the human race would have the opportunity to evolve from homosapien to homoluminous. They shared their traditions around the world in preparation for that time to come, which they say is now, that time when the world turns itself the right way up….

So with great gratitude for their teachings, I have journeyed shamanically to meet Huascar, the angelic guardian of the underworld, to look for guidance around this issue. I was shown a tiny bird with a broken wing, held in loving hands. For me, this suggests that humanity is the bird, the broken wing is the virus and the loving hands holding us are the healing hands of Spirit. I see it as an invitation to stay in love around this dynamic rather than fear, so that at another level those loving hands may also be our own, as we nurture the wounded bird that is ourselves, our loved ones and our community.

I have also journeyed to the plant kingdom within the Upper World, to meet the coronavirus itself. It showed to me as a layer of clear film, sitting on the surface of a murky lake. It was drawing the toxicity out of the lake itself, hardening and then washing gently to the shore where it sat harmlessly, allowing the lake to reveal its full clarity and beauty.

I see this as another sign of the opportunity this pandemic presents for us to clear up our individual and collective lake – the emotional and physical toxicity of our species – and emerge on the other side in a beautiful new way, light, in harmony with nature, slower in pace and led by love. This is not to diminish the suffering that is currently happening around the world, there are deaths of physical bodies and deep pain alongside the more metaphorical death of old aspects of ourselves. We must honour and support those who are suffering while at the same time holding a higher vision of the transformational potential of this global experience. 

Holding the new energy

In line with the healing principles of the Quantum K system, I have dowsed a harmonic that I believe represents the healed state of the coronavirus and all that this moment in history offers us as a species. Feel free to meditate with it, write it on a card and keep it nearby, or join in with us on our bi-monthly Quantum K meditations, where this will be a cornerstone of the connection we make. Basically, anything that allows you access to the energy. The harmonic is:

222 467 198 522

When I shared this harmonic in an earlier newsletter, I was  approached by a Quantum K colleague, Angelos Vafeiadis working out of Studio 133 in Greece. He has taken the harmonic and interpreted it musically in a few minutes of beauty. Feel free to download this music and share the link widely, the more people who connect with it the greater will be its power to hold that space of positive change:

Healing wave

I also urge you to keep in mind all the potential that exists in this moment, all the opportunities to live in greater harmony, community and love. Hold that vision of the greatest possible outcome and put your energy and physical effort into that. This is a time for vision, for resting, for peering deep inside, but also for great action. If we sit back in our isolated bubbles, we will miss the chance to ground that vision of what is now possible for all of us. It must start with acts of kindness and generosity and grow from there. It is a fallacy to suggest that this virus is the great leveller, it is far from that. As usual, it is the poor, the vulnerable and black, indigenous, people of colour that suffer at the hands of the system that we can tell ourselves is a meritocracy but is, in fact, anything but. 

I wish you and your loved ones wellness on this sacred journey.



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