
I have always found it very easy and natural to have opinions. These opinions form views and in many ways are the basis for these blogs.

What I have realised in recent months is that I no longer have as many opinions as I used to. Even when confronted with layers of fear and condemnation of the world around us, politicians, big business etc I am finding it harder and harder to find a definitive viewpoint. This is born out of my growing connection to the shamanic traditions and their values. I could summarise my understanding of some of these key values as follows:

1. Energies can be light or heavy but that does not mean good or bad. We do not understand the Divine perspective or plan for any soul, so it is not for us to judge whether a situation is a good one or a bad one.

2. Even challenges and perceived suffering could be part of that soul or country’s highest path.

3. We are all on hero’s journeys and our growth comes from transcending the challenges and obstacles we encounter. Without these aspects, we cannot understand who we truly are.

4. This does not mean we should live in apathy. We can still have preferences, visions for ourselves, our lives and the planet that we can choose to create.

5. If we wish to make changes in our world, we must make these changes in ourselves first and become the change we wish to see outside of us. We have no right or breadth of understanding to justify us making choices for other people, although clearly the energy we emit will radiate out and effect those around us.

This gentle way of living is incredibly powerful. The shaman who live like this create their world and take absolute responsibility for it. They do not give their power away to politicians or corporate leaders even though their material circumstances might be affected by them, they still take responsibility for the nature of the experience they have and their emotional response to it.

This is not to negate the extreme suffering that some souls are going through, only to accept that we do not know the higher context or meaning behind their experience and should not therefore judge it.

So that brings us back to opinions. To follow these gentle ways of living, opinions carry little value, they can verge on judgement and a view that one outcome is better than another. When we step away from this, life is just a series of creative opportunities that we generate through the balance of energies we emit. Where we have preferences, we simply need to ensure our resonance is in line with those preferences and trust that we will then create it.

So, maybe, for me, these blogs have had their day. Time will tell…..

With blessings,

Andrew Kemp

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